Page 39 of Alpha Games
Goddess. I’m an idiot.
“Will you knock it off?” Jesse smacked my face with a blush brush. “Lack of confidence makes you look too sad.”
“Sorry.” I straightened my shoulders, determined not to let this get to me. There were a hundred other reasons why I hadn’t run into Ranger today. He was probably busy doing… Alpha stuff.
Whatever that was.
And it didn’t matter. He was a free male and I was a free female. It wasn’t like we were mated or had a leash on each other. This was fun. That’s it. I was acool, calm, and collected woman who didn’t need anyone to care about––
“A little birdie told me he’s been speaking with the staff all morning.” Jesse ran a brush over my eyelids. “Seems like he might be planning something big.”
My heart tried to leap from my chest.Our date?
It better be,my wolf grumbled. She was getting testier as the day wore on.
“I’m assuming you know what he’s up to?” Jesse asked. It was hard to keep things to myself when he was right there watching every twitch of my face.
“Maybe.” I bit down on my lip, releasing it when Jesse scowled. “How have you been by the way?”
“Straight to redirection, I like it.” Jesse snickered. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking. And you?”
“I think I’m alright.” I could feel the warmth of my smile spreading through my body. Maybe I cared about Ranger just a little more than was healthy. But this was still new and fresh. I could enjoy the courting process like everyone else did. That’s what we were here for, right? “How are the other candidates doing?”
“Oh, no.” Jesse started yanking on my hair. “You know my lips are sealed.”
“About everyone?” I asked, thinking of how Fallon was acting strange this morning. “Is Ranger’s sister on that no-blabber list?”
Jesse shrugged with one shoulder as he wrapped a strand of my hair around the iron. “I’m not saying if she is or if she isn’t.”
“What about a certain Alpha JohnO’Neil?”
Jesse’s lip twitched just enough to let me know I was on the right path. “It’s none of my business what happens between two consenting contestants. Though there was some rumor about two wolves running in the woods the other night.”
Oh my goddess.My jaw dropped.
My wolf’s ears perked up.What happened?
You only care that they were in wolf form.
Wolves are better at getting it done.
“Close your mouth so you don’t catch flies.” Jesse popped the bottom of my chin.
“I’m going to need more details than that,” I said, feeling like Clara begging for the story.
“You could get your own details if you left your room more often and mingled with the other contestants.” Jesse moved to another strand of hair.
“Now you sound like Molly.” I’d seen her glare directed my way this morning in the lobby and ducked out of there fast to avoid another conversation. “Have you heard anything new about the show looking into the cupcake situation?”
I still wasn’t holding my breath that anything would come from them intelligence-wise, but you can’t blame a girl for asking.
“Not a thing.” Jesse shook his head. “It’s all been swept under the rug.”
“I figured as much. It didn’t increase ratings so why would they bring it up again?”
“Speaking of ratings, your boy Trenton is picking up in the ranks. Seems he had a decent coach.” Jesse winked.
It felt good to hear someone appreciating the effort I put in. Goddess knew Trenton would never say thanks. “He’s a turd, but at least he’s trying.”