Page 4 of Alpha Games
“As if I’d let anything happen to our precious Luna,” she groaned as her feet hit the carpeted floor. “I can’t wait to see her put you in your place.”
My wolf cocked his head to the side, wondering what the hell that meant, but I ignored my sister. She wasn’t the nicest beast in the morning.
I stepped into the hallway just as Chad left his room. There were only two doors in this hall leading to both penthouse suites and we shared the same private elevator instead of walking to the larger communal one at the end.
Despite my position, it still blew my mind how the other half lived. Money could buy so much space. I had more than enough. It irked me to spend it on frivolous shit such as penthouse suites. But it was all a part of the image I needed on the show.
“How’s it going, dude?” Chad yawned as he looked me over.
“Living the dream.” I grinned, feeling the wrongness of the smile. We’d been here over two weeks now and I was ready to stop playing around.
Just a few more days…
“Are you ready for today?” Chad popped the collar of his polo-shirt as the doors to the elevator opened and we stepped in.
“I was born ready.” I folded my arms over my chest, leaning back against the mirror inside and waiting for him to push the button for the lobby.
He noticed what was happening as he reached for it and hesitated.
There was a subtle shift in the air as he tensed, his finger hovering a few inches away from the L. It was a childish power play, but he’d moved so easily into it, I couldn’t help but want to win.
Chad realized how stupid he looked and chuckled a little, letting the challenge roll off his shoulders even though I could see the anger reflected in his eyes through the mirror. “Let the Alpha Games begin.”
Finally,both my wolf and I agreed. I clapped Chad on the back a little harder than necessary as the doors slid shut. “That’s why we’re here.”
“Is this seat taken?” Fallon didn’t wait for my answer as she sat next to me in the convention center. I stiffened a little, but it wasn’t like anyone else was going to sit there. The past few days after the Luna Trials ended were quiet. Those of us who’d passed stuck to themselves or in their own little cliques they’d formed. I felt like an outsider. And I was paranoid after what had happened.
I still didn’t know who wanted to threaten me. There was no note. No further attempts. It was as if the producers swept it under the rug since nothing was on film to increase ratings, which left me uneasy and tense. I didn’t know who I could trust.
Finding out Fallon was related to Lester didn’t help soothe any of my worries. I was used to being alone anyway so I kept my guard up. Like always.
“Have you heard from Opal?” Fallon took the lid off her paper coffee cup as we both watched the stage being set up.
I looked at her from the corner of my eye, trying to judge her intent. “They got all the silver out of her system and she was released from the hospital last night. She’s going home to rest, but they’re letting her come back next season.”
“That’s a lucky break.” Fallon blew on the steam from her coffee.
“Lucky?” I smirked. “You know those cupcakes were meant for me, right?”
“I figured as much.” She took a slow sip.
I returned my attention to the stage and tried to keep my claws in check. It was probably not the smartest idea to growl at the family of a criminal warlord. This sucked. I wanted to like Fallon. Now I was worried she might stab me in my sleep.
Or that her brother was going to kill Trenton.
That he was going to take over my pack.
I had a moment of panic, wondering if I could make a request before that happened. Would he let me take my papa out of Nuva Territory?
“What are we going to do?” Fallon asked.
“We?” I glanced at her again. There was nowehere on this show or any other place in my life.
“I’m always down for revenge.” She shrugged with one shoulder. “Do you have any leads on who wanted to hurt you?”