Page 76 of Alpha Games
I nodded.
“Does he know what his uncle and father did?” she asked.
“What they still do.” Fallon sighed. “We’ve had to hear for years about how Chad is being groomed to take over the family business. You can’tpossibly understand how frustrating it is to listen to them talk about it and not being allowed tolegallystop them when they have the government in their pocket.”
“And the show took away the favor which is what Ranger was banking on,” Mattox added from somewhere behind Aspen’s back.
Even if I wanted to explain this to her myself, they were all so eager to get it out that I had no choice but to let them. They said I carried the weight of this burden, but I wasn’t the only one.
“So why are you leaving without at least kicking his ass?” Aspen folded her arms over her chest as she stared at me.
The male shifters around us chuckled.
“Because it doesn’t matter anymore.” I smiled at her spunk. “And the show changed the rules. If two Alphas fight, it could be considered a traditional challenge as our beasts might take over for dominance.”
“That means you’d take away his position as heir to the Tulia Pack and would have to submit to his father until he handed over the reins.” Aspen’s brain was always working. It was fascinating to watch. “But you don’t have to kill him.”
I don’t?
Aspen saw the question in my eyes. “No, you don’t. You have more control than anyone else I’ve ever known and I barely just met you. You can embarrass the Tulia Pack, show how weak their futureAlpha is on TV, and plant the seed of doubt in the pack’s minds by kicking his butt and letting him live.”
“This is diabolical.” Fallon grinned. “I love it.”
“It’s better than nothing.” Mattox stood to the left of my mate, giving her his strong side in respect to his Luna. “You were always in it for the long game. We can mess with their heads until we find a way to take them out for good.”
I ran my hand over my jaw, weighing my options. “We’re pushing this too close to the coming full moon and start of mating season. I’d prefer to have you all back on McCaw territory where I can keep you safe.”
“It’s one more day.” Aspen pouted. The rest of the pack moved closer, cheering her on in mumbled agreement as she stood up to me. My little brat was coming out to play. She blinked her long eyelashes, challenging my beast. “And I don’t want to leave until you make that asshole pay for what he did to my future pack.”
The shifters surrounding me turned their faces to the sky and howled. My pulse thrummed to the ancient sound of a challenge as the flames of the fire danced in Aspen’s eyes. My beast was onboard, not wanting to back down. He would prove himself to his mate.
I grabbed Aspen by the waist and kissed her deeply in front of our pack, trying not to worry that I was taking too great a risk now that I had something this important to lose.
“This is a collect call from Holton Penitentiary. Do you accept charges from: What is wrong with your phone?”
“I accept.” I kept my phone plugged into the charger on the bathroom counter, positioning it just the right way so the cord would slowly give it some juice, while Jesse continued to curl my hair.
“Dude!” Clara screamed over the phone. “I forgive you for not answering. I’d be busy too after what I saw happen at the hunt when Alpha Ranger bowed at your freaking feet. Is this like official, official now? I wonder if he can bribe the courts to get me convalescent leave for the wedding.”
“I’ll try to figure something out.” I smiled. Hearing her word vomit again was soothing. I hadn’t realized how much I missed it until I didn’t hear it every day. “But I don’t want to ask too many favors. He already moved my papa away.”
“Oh we know.” Clara lowered her voice. “Derek was pissed. He almost made it so we couldn’t watch the show, but he knew there’d be a riot so he caved.”
Jesse yanked on my hair as I doubled over laughing, pulling me back upright.
“Are you alright?” Clara asked.
“Yes.” I glared at my stylist in the mirror. “Something is wrong with my cat today.”
Jesse hissed at me.
“As much as I wantthosedetails, I have a feeling we’re talking about different things. Don’t tell me the stylist is your new bestie. I will literally shank a bitch.”