Page 33 of Opposites Attract
It’s the humans who don’t know how to dress their skin.I slung my arm around Ranger’s shoulders, prying him away from his mate as Fallon pulled her close to the fire. “Welcome up north, bud. What’re ya drinking tonight?”
Ranger took a long look at Aspen before turning my way. “That’s right. You owe me a beer.”
Ranger ended up with a glass of scotch and we stood on the back porch of the lodge, watching the snow drift from the crystalized night sky as the warmth of the house glowed in the window behind us.
“Fallon’s doing okay,” he said. It was more of an observation than a question. My beast puffed up with pride as I sipped my beer.
“Yup. How’s mated life for you?”
Ranger got that gleam in his eyes I’d seen a few times myself in the mirror. “It’s alright.”
I smiled as I took another sip of my beer. “Probably should have you guys come out in the summer. Better fishing then.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll ask the mate.” Ranger twirled scotch around his glass, looking back over his shoulder to the window where there was warmth and life.
I didn’t blame him.
“Uncle John, come see this.” My niece beat her fist against the glass. Ranger and I shared a look as our wolves tensed, confused by the urgency in Amber’s tone.
The instant warmth had us shaking melted snow from our hair as we marched over to the living room where the TV volume was cranked up.
“Is that…”
The screen showed a reporter covering the scene as a woman was pulled out of an elevator in handcuffs, “Molly Roberts, former employee ofMating Season,pled guilty today to tampering with evidence in a federal investigation. Allegations also include illegal gambling–”
“I told you!” the cheetah shifter growled.
There was an uproar of emotion that set my beast on edge as I moved to Fallon’s side while the females sitting on the couch rushed to talk over each other and simultaneously raised the volume on the TV so no one could hear anything.
“So shewasplacing bets.”
“That’s not what I heard–”
I reached up and turned the TV off manually, scratching the back of my head as the room quieted and eight pairs of eyes looked my way. “Can someone tell me what’s going on?”
“Wasn’t he on the show?” The coyote shifter looked at Aspen. “I swear I saw him there.”
“You can be on the show and not have a clue what’s going on. Ask me how I know.” Aspen giggled, leaning back so her head rested against Ranger.
He affectionately squeezed her shoulder as he pulled out his phone and scrolled. “It’s true. They finally got enough dirt to bring her in. Took them long enough. It’s been almost three months since our settlement against the network.”
“Thank the Goddess.” Aspen sighed. “Wait, this doesn’t mean we have to go back to court, does it?”
Ranger pocketed his phone. “No. They have her on a technicality and the feds are involved with the interstate gambling. Jesse’s testimony should be all they need. It’s bigger than us now.”
We all glanced at the cheetah shifter. Jesse laid back on the leather recliner practically licking himself with how smug he looked.
“Told you not to mess with your stylists.”
“Everyone seems happy.” I snuggled under the down comforter on our bed in the master suite of the lodge, tucking Fallon’s perfect ass against my front.
Fallon pulled my arm over her and buried herself in the warmth. “It’s been a crazy few days. I’m excited for Christmas tomorrow and then to send everyone home.”