Page 10 of His Hungry Wolf
“It really wasn’t a big deal. I was hoping to put that time behind me.”
“Rough games, huh?”
“I guess. Anyway, the assistant coach showed up at the office. Apparently he got the address from the website.”
“What did he want?”
“He wanted me to get back involved with football.”
“I’m not sure,” I lied, not wanting to get into it.
“So, he just wants you back in the sport?”
“Seems like it.”
“And how did you know him?”
“He was an assistant coach on the team. And, I guess you can say that we were friends.”
“Friends? Wait a minute, you had friends in university?” Titus joked.
“Yes, I had friends.”
“What type of friend was he? Because guys don’t show up out of nowhere trying to get you back for no reason.”
“I assure you, we were just friends,” I said clearing up any misunderstandings. Both Titus and Cali had boyfriends, so I always felt the need to remind them that I was the straight brother.
“Doesn’t sound like it,” Titus teased.
“That’s all we were. Though…”
I faded off.
“Don’t leave me hanging.”
“He and I were best friends. And there might have been a few times when he gave me the impression that he was attracted to me.”
“Really? And how did you feel about him?”
“He was a friend. That’s how I felt about him.”
“So, this long lost friend, who you haven’t talk to in how long?”
“Since I left school.”
“This long lost friend who might have been into you, and who you haven’t talk to in two years, shows up at your place of work trying to win you back.”
“It wasn’t like that.”
“Are you sure? Because that’s what it sounds like.”
I thought about that for a moment. Titus didn’t have all of the information, but was he wrong? There had been times when Merri and I were hanging out that I had caught him staring at me. It had happened more than once.
Knowing him and the circles he traveled in, I had dismissed it as him being awkward. Merri could definitely be awkward on occasion. But if he had been into me, could his invitation to workout for the team be something else? Was the workout even real?
“I don’t know,” I told Titus honestly.