Page 105 of His Hungry Wolf
“Thanks. I guess practice makes perfect. Or at least, practice makes not awful.”
Titus chuckled.
“If that was your news, it’s my turn. Cage proposed to Quin.”
“No way!” Cali said surprised.
“Yep. Quin asked Lou to be his best man and Lou told me. I’m not sure he was supposed to. So keep it under wraps until one of them tells you, okay?”
“You got it,” I assured Titus. “Do you know when they’re getting married?”
“Not sure. In a few months, I think. It’s gonna be big, though. Marcus is catering. I think the whole town will be there.”
“That’s wonderful! Good for them,” I said, genuinely happy. “Cali, what’s your news?”
Cali stared at the screen before lowering his head.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him.
Straightening up, he steeled himself.
“Remember when Claude’s mom gave us the name of our father?”
“Of course,” Titus said while a knot formed in my stomach.
“I said I didn’t recognize the name, but that was a lie.”
“Okay,” Titus replied cautiously. “And how do you know the name?”
“From my first trip to New York.”
I thought back to what he told us about that trip. His boyfriend Hil had been kidnapped and he had rescued him.
“And how did you come across his name in New York?” I inquired, my nerves on edge.
“I didn’t just come across his name. I met him. I met him in person,” Cali clarified, his tone grave.
My and Titus’s reactions mirrored each other, stunned silence.
“When?” Titus implored.
“When I went to rescue Hil. Armand Clement, our father, was the man who shot me.”
Chilling prickles covered my face hearing Cali’s words. I couldn’t believe it.
“More than that,” Cali continued soberly. “Now we need to rescue him.”