Page 111 of His Hungry Wolf
In spite of how much I wanted to let go, I did my best to stay with Cage in my present form. He was leading me around the party introducing me to people. He wasn’t kidding about being good at social stuff. Everyone he introduced me to hung on his every word. And, when it was my turn to speak, they hung on my every word, too.
I couldn’t tell if they were all just being nice, or if being with Cage had turned me into a more interesting version of myself. Whatever it was, I loved the feeling. These types of interactions had always been so hard for me, but at Cage’s side, I was a different person.
What was even better than that was how he took every opportunity to touch me. He touched my shoulder when he introduced me. His pointing finger lightly rested on my chest when he was emphasizing a point. And, standing shoulder to shoulder as if we were already a couple, he would bump his shoulder against mine when he laughed.
I was on the verge of shifting by the time he was done with me. I knew that should have freaked me out. But instead I thought about what Lou had suggested. What would Cage look like naked in my bed?
With one of his teammates waving his arms around telling a story, I couldn’t take my eyes off of Cage. With his full attention on his friend, Cage subtly retrieved his phone from his pocket and peaked down. Slipping it away quickly, he waited for the arm waving to die down and then looked between his friend and me.
“Guys, I have to head out,” he said wrapping his large hand around my bicep.
“Yes, me too,” I said quickly.
“Yeah? Where you headed?” He asked enthusiastically.
“Back to my room.”
“Where’s that?”
“Plaza Hall?”
“Really? I’ll go with you,” he said squeezing my arm.
My heart stopped. He was coming with me? Was this it? I couldn’t believe it might finally happen. I prayed no one looked down because there was no hiding my excitement.
I swallowed and forced myself to speak.
After saying a few goodbyes, the two of us exited into the night. I was giddy from terror and arousal. As the silence between us drew out, I wondered why he wasn’t saying anything. Wasn’t he the one who was supposed to be good at stuff like this? I was about to mumble something when he finally spoke.
“It’s a clear night.”
“You can see all of the stars,” he said turning to me.
I looked up. He was right. The night was perfectly clear. There was nothing between us and the light of the full moon. How had I not remembered that tonight was the full moon?
It’s not like it mattered. I wasn’t a hollowing monster enslaved by it. I hadn’t shifted in years. I had long ago gotten control over myself, over my body. I was Quin Toro, human, not some mindless wolf…
“You cold?”
“You’re shivering.”
I was shaking. “I guess I’m nervous,” I admitted.
“What are you nervous about?”
My face got hot. “I don’t know.”
Cage stared at me. “You’re a good-looking guy. Do you know that?”
“So are you,” I told him shaking even more.
“Thanks. Are you happy you came out tonight?”