Page 136 of His Hungry Wolf
“You don’t expect him to do it, do you?”
“I’m not expecting anyone to do it. I’m not expecting anything.”
“Ahh, Lamb Chop, sometimes you make me so sad.”
“There’s nothing to feel sad about. Nothing’s going on between us.”
“That’s what makes me so sad. On one side there’s you, an obliviously scrumptious love nugget who can’t seem to lose of his virginity…”
“You’re a virgin, too,” I quickly reminded him.
He put his hand on his chest and gave me a sad look.
“But for me, it’s by choice. I’m saving myself for the right man. You? You want to get rid of yours like it’s the plague. Yet you’re hooked on a guy who is clearly in love with you but can’t see past the sham relationship he’s in. Tragic!”
When I didn’t respond, Lou said, “Not going to say anything?”
“No. I think you said it all. And I am kinda sad.”
“Wait, I didn’t say you were sad. You’re great. You’re hot and smart, and you come from a good family…”
“What does my family have to do with this?”
“You’re marriage material! Some guy needs to put a ring on that.”
“Wow, that progressed quickly.”
“That’s my point. You’re moving too slow. Get on that man, preferably with him on his back and you riding him like a cowboy. Or, are you a top? I can’t tell with you. What is your preference? You like it Lone Ranger or side-saddle?”
“Which one’s which?” I asked confused.
“Doesn’t matter. You like it going or coming?”
“I don’t know. Both, maybe.”
“So, you’re vers? I’ve seen you in the shower. That makes sense.”
“When did you see me in the shower?”
“When haven’t I seen you in the shower? That’s not the point.”
“Then what is the point?”
“The point is that you’re vers and that man, Cage, is a definite top.”
“You think so?”
“I know these things,” he said confidently.
“But you’ve never had sex?”
“You don’t have to have had sex to feel the energy. That boy has serious top energy. He’s a quarterback for crying out loud. He’s used to being in control… holding onto people’s butts. It’s quarterback stuff.”
“I see.”
“And, usually he would be the one to make the first move. But, in this case, you’re going to have to find your big dick energy and sack up.”
“Seriously, though, when did you see me in the shower?”