Page 155 of His Hungry Wolf
“I know what you are.”
As soon as he said it, something changed. The black of his pupils swallowed his eyes. What stared back was empty and soulless. He wasn’t human. He was something… evil.
“If you contact my boy again…” he continued before sticking something sharp into my stomach. Was it a knife or a claw? “…I’ll gut you like a hog. You hear me? You contact him, you text him, you reach out to him in any way, I’ll kill you, then I’ll kill your friend out there. Then I’ll find your family and kill them too. You hear what I’m tellin’ you?”
I was in shock. I couldn’t move. When I didn’t respond, he pushed the blade harder. It was cutting into me.
“I hear you,” I said terrified out of my mind.
“Good. Don’t let me see your face again. Get the fuck out of here,” he ordered before letting me go.
As soon as his grip loosened, I escaped his grasp and the room.
“What?” Lou said seeing me approach him with terror in my eyes.
“Let’s go!” I demanded grabbing his arm and pulling him to the elevator.
“What are you doing? We just got here.”
“Let’s go!” I insisted not daring to look back.
As soon as the elevator doors opened, I was on it. Lou followed confused. I hit the lobby button continuously until the doors closed. Still not feeling safe, I leaned against the wall watching the floor’s numbers descend. It was like I could still hearing him in my head.
“Quin, you’re bleeding,” Lou said grabbing my attention.
He was pointing at a growing red spot on my shirt where Cage’s father had stabbed me. It didn’t hurt until I pulled up my shirt and saw it.
“It’s nothing. I’m alright.”
“What did he do to you?” Lou asked horrified.
“He didn’t do anything. Let’s just go.”
“Let’s just go!” I yelled before something took over me.
It was happening. I was shifting. And we were in a confined space. No!
As much as I tried to resist, there was no stopping my wolf from coming out. Lou looked on with horror.
“I’m sorry,” I said before losing myself to the pain and darkness.
When I was conscious again, I was closer to the ground and standing on a pile of clothes. I was looking through my wolf’s eyes. He was staring at Lou intensely.
“Please don’t!” I begged him. “He’s a friend. My best friend. You can’t hurt him.”
To my surprise, he listened. Hearing the deafening sound as the elevator dinged, my wolf turned his attention and watched the doors open. As soon as the crack was big enough, he shot out.
It took a moment for everyone to realize what was sprinting off of the elevator. Initially everyone thought it was a dog. When it dawned on them, there were screams. The high-pitched wails only angered my wolf.
Imagining the lobby would turn into a blood bath, I quickly learned I was wrong. He hadn’t come out to hurt anyone. He had emerged to take me to safety.
Slipping through the automatic doors, we emerged in the parking lot. Racing past that, we crossed the street and entered the woods. He seemed willing to run forever. Who knows where I would be once he stopped.
But, with him in control, that left me free to think. Whatever Cage’s father was, I didn’t doubt that he would kill me. It was screamed at me as I stared in his terrifying eyes.
Cage’s father wasn’t like me. He was something I couldn’t imagine. Something darker. I might have been falling in love with Cage, but was I willing to die to be with him?