Page 237 of His Hungry Wolf
“I would never want to take you from your pack, Cage. I couldn’t do that to you.”
“But, I want you to be my pack. You’re just as important to me as Nero and my Mom are. It’s because of you that I have them. I love you, Quin Toro. I want to love you for the rest of my life. Please, be with me,” I said with a smile.
“I don’t know, Cage. I want to. I want to more than anything in the world, but…”
“Quin, what are you doing?” A voice said from behind him.
We turned to see the most James Bond-looking guy I had ever seen in my life. But, the resemblance was unmistakable. He was Quin’s father.
“The man’s telling you he’s choosing you. Quin, you have to know when you’ve won.”
“But, what if…”
“The only thing you have to decide is, are you willing to choose him. Are you, Quin? When things get hard, are you willing to keep figuring out a way?”
I turned to Quin who looked back at me.
“What do you say, Quin. You want to figure out a way?”
His smile lit up my heart.
“Yes, Cage. We’ll figure out a way. I love you. I want to be with you no matter what it takes.”
That was when I leaned in and kissed him. His lips had never tasted sweeter. Lost in the wonder of his touch, I knew that Quin and I were about to live the rest of our lives happily ever after.