Page 242 of His Hungry Wolf
“I think I lost my phone,” I said before wiping my mouth reflexively.
“Seriously? That sucks!”
“Tell me about it.”
“Did you need my number again?”
“I don’t have anything to put it in.”
“Right,” he said seeming disappointed. “Anyway, we’re meeting on Thursday at Commons. It would be great if you could come.”
“I think I have something on Thursday, but maybe,” I told him not wanting to go.
“Oh, okay. Just let me know.”
He smiled and returned to his table. I had to wonder about him. The guy was always asking me to join him for one thing or another. How many social events did he organize?
Finishing my pancakes, I felt human enough to return to my room and get ready for the day. Sunday was a quiet day at the dorms. Most people were usually shaking off the effects of their Saturday night.
Taking a shower I couldn’t help but imagine who it was who had pinned the note to my shirt. What if Cory was right and it was the love of my life? The odds of it being him was low but it didn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
The thought of it made me tingle with excitement. What would it be like to crawl into a guy’s arms and fall asleep? What would it be like to have a boyfriend or to have sex? I didn’t know about any of that stuff.
All I knew was that no matter who this guy ended up being, I was going to do everything I could not to screw this up. I was tired of being alone. I wanted to know what love felt like.
With our meeting time approaching and the butterflies swarming in my stomach, I found the nicest tee-shirt I had and matched it to the same shade of black pants. Wrapping a studded leather bracelet around my wrist, I stood in front of the mirror and stared.
This guy was sure to be disappointed when he saw me in the light of day, but this was the best I could do. Brushing my unruly curls off of my forehead, they fell back. Yeah, this was as good as it was going to get for me. It would have to be enough.
Unable to put it off any longer, I left my room and headed to Willow Pond. I could barely breathe I was so nervous. What would happen if I couldn’t recognize him? What if he saw me, realized he had made a huge mistake, and then left me standing there waiting.
The thought was almost enough to make me turn around, but I didn’t. I continued step-by-step until the pond came into view. The place was practically empty. The only one there was a guy who stood along the shoreline staring at the ducks.
Could that be him? It couldn’t be. I could only see his back, but from it, I could tell that he was way out of my league. Imagine shoulders broad enough to carry the world and arms strong enough to crush it in his hands.
His golden hair glistened as the reflection from the pond bounced off of it. The sight of him threatened to take my breath away. When he turned and our eyes met, it did. It was him, the guy from last night. I would have recognized him anywhere.
All of my memories came rushing back. Drunk off my ass, I had walked up to him at the party and had told him that he was the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. I was expecting him to punch me or something. Instead, he asked me my name and we talked for the rest of the night.
Mostly I kept telling him how hot he was and tried to kiss him while he fought me off and blushed. Oh crap, I had forgotten about that. I had made a complete fool of myself.
He had only kissed me because I wouldn’t leave him alone until he did. But then he wrote something on a piece of paper and told me that it was for tomorrow and that if I was still interested then, I should meet him here.
I think he had acted the way he had to be a gentleman. He had to have seen how drunk I was and didn’t want to take advantage of me. But, how could someone be that hot and thoughtful? There was clearly something wrong with him.
“Kendall! You came,” he said smiling through a rural Tennessee accent.
Oh God, he remembered my name. What was his?
“Of course,” I said stepping within an arm’s length of him. “How could I not…”
“You don’t remember my name, do you?” He joked.
“I do. It’s um…”
My thoughts tumbled desperately.
“That’s okay. You were pretty drunk last night. I’m just glad you came.”