Page 248 of His Hungry Wolf
“Considering he was the one who bailed you out of jail, that doesn’t quite seem true, does it?”
I shut up knowing Cage was right. As soon as I stopped talking, so did Cage. With a lot more sympathy in his eyes, he approached me and put his arms around my shoulder.
“Nero, you have a temper and you’re gonna have to get control of it.”
“I’m trying.”
“And yet, my boyfriend had to bail you out of jail today.”
“I don’t know what to say,” I admitted.
Cage stared at me. I guess he didn’t know what to say either.
“I’ll think of something. I’ll talk to the school and see what we can come up with. Don’t worry, we’ll get this straightened out. I’m here for you, man. I’m not going anywhere.”
“None of us are,” Titus added.
“Yeah,” Quin agreed.
I looked at the guys around me and wiped a tear from my eyes. Maybe everything would be alright. Maybe I wasn’t as alone as I thought.
“Should we go for a run?” Cage asked turning to the other shifters.
They nodded.
“Who’s driving with me?” Titus asked glancing back at Lou and giving him a smile goodbye.
Titus and I followed Cage and Quin as they snaked through the narrow county roads. Thirty minutes out of town, we parked our trucks and looked around.
“This is good with everybody?” Cage asked checking in with us.
We all agreed and then undressed. It was a cold night. Luckily the heat from shifting warmed me up. When we were all wolves, Cage’s wolf turned to mine. Usually my wolf took off as soon as it was released and everyone had to race to catch up.
This time he wasn’t so quick to escape. It was like he felt bad about what I had gone through and was yielding control. He wasn’t giving the reigns back to me. But he was handing them to Cage’s wolf. And as soon as he knew he had them, Cage’s wolf took off leading us on a wild run in the moonlight.
Chapter 3
“Ahhhh!” I screamed popping awake.
I looked around. I’m in my bed and it’s morning. Cory is sitting up staring at me. He looks startled.
‘It was just a dream,’ I tell myself. ‘That’s all it was.’
“Evan Carter?” Cory asks me slowly relaxing.
“Evan Carter,” I admit.
“Fuckin’ Evan Carter,” my roommate said making me feel a little better.
I lay back down and tried to calm myself. I couldn’t tell if the nightmares were getting worse but they weren’t getting better.
Evan Carter was the football player who made my high school years hell starting my freshman year. There was something about me he couldn’t stand. I always assumed it was because I was the only out gay kid there. But if I were honest with myself, it wasn’t like I tried to fit in.
I experimented with the color of my hair, wearing makeup, and the type of clothing I wore. Perhaps wearing a dress to school was a little too far. It wasn’t like I was fighting to bring down the patriarchy or anything. It was just that I had always felt different from everyone else and I was trying to figure out who I was.
FYI, I’m not a guy who wears dresses or makeup. And it isn’t because Evan Carter would bully me to an inch of my life when I did. It just isn’t my thing.