Page 265 of His Hungry Wolf
“I can see that. Genius at work,” he joked. “Did you hear that Dr. Sonya’s organizing a pack run?”
“A pack run?”
“Yeah. Her son Cali shifted for the first time and now she’s team wolf. She thinks the wolf shifters in town don’t have a real pack.”
“Humans,” I said with a chuckle.
“I don’t know. I think it’s a good thing. Cage is on board. He’s helping organize it.”
“That’s because he wants to be alpha.”
“Would that be such a bad thing?” Titus asked as he grabbed a cup of noodles and heated it in the microwave.
“So, what’s up with you and Lou?” I asked preferring to change the topic.
“What do you mean?” He asked casually.
“I mean, do you like him or…”
“Of course I like him. We’re friends.”
“That’s not what I mean. What I’m saying is that you two spend a lot of time together. Is there a reason for that?”
Titus turned to me as if caught in a lie.
“What reason do you need more than we’re friends? He’s a fun guy. I don’t have to tell you that.”
“I guess not.”
“So, what’s the deal with you and Kendall?”
I looked at Titus not having expected the question. It was clear why he had asked it, though. Titus was there on Sunday. It wasn’t like I was hiding the way I felt about Kendall.
“We’re friends and he’s a fun guy. You’ve met him. I don’t have to tell you that.”
Titus stared at me and then barked a laugh. He knew what I was saying. If he wasn’t going to be truthful with me about the way he felt about Lou, why should I share my feelings for Kendall?
“Right,” Titus conceded. “Don’t forget to text your brother back,” he reminded me before collecting his soup and leaving the room.
I took out my phone and typed, ‘Sure.’
‘Great. I’ll see you then,’ he immediately replied.
I still wasn’t sure about them getting a house under the barrier, but I started to realize that there were other things I had to talk to him about. I had already put it off too long.
Picking up Quin after getting back from my away game, we made the two hour trek home. He and I were never that chatty when we drove together, but he was quieter than usual.
I was at least expecting him to mention Kendall and his lack of scent. Hadn’t he noticed it? Why hadn’t he said anything about it?
“Are you coming by our place or should I drop you at Dr. Sonya’s?” I asked breaking the silence.
“Cage said we should meet at your place. I wanted to say hi to your mom. We’ll head to Dr. Sonya’s later.”
I paused remembering something. “By the way, have you made any progress on that thing you were looking into?”
“You mean about who your and Cage’s father is?”