Page 349 of His Hungry Wolf
“Then, why isn’t he here?” I asked, my exhausted heart thumping painfully.
Quin looked around at everyone. As soon as he did, they drifted away. The two of us were alone. My heart pounded afraid of what was coming next.
“He said, he wouldn’t have the courage to say this to you directly, so he asked me to.”
“Okay,” I said with building terror.
“He said that he loves you. He loves you so much that he’s willing to do whatever he has to to help you. And that means that the two of you can’t be together. He wants to help you. He wants to be there for you. But, it can’t be as anything more than counselor/student.”
Quin stared into my eyes with sympathy.
“I’m so sorry, Nero. I know that you love him. What are you gonna do?”
I stared at Quin thinking about Kendall’s message. How was someone supposed to respond to that? What was I going to do now?
Chapter 13
I stood in front of the door leading to Commons wondering if I would be able to do this. This would be the first time I spoke to Nero since arranging the intervention at the lake. Quin told me that he delivered my message and that Nero accepted it. I could tell that he had because he hadn’t reached out to me since then.
Though, I was half expecting that he would. I figured that it would be to thank me. I didn’t need the gratitude. It was enough to know that it had helped. But, I guess I thought he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
There was also a part of me that hoped he wouldn’t respect my request. Maybe it was the romantic in me, but I was partially hoping he would refuse to keep things professional and would sweep me off my feet.
In my heart, I knew that would be the worst possible decision he could make. I could help him so much more in this capacity. So, in the end, I guess I’m glad he didn’t.
But, didn’t every boy want to feel wanted so badly that someone says, “The hell with all of the rules. I’ll have you no matter what.” I can admit that I am such a boy even if I know it’s for the best that he didn’t.
Taking a final deep breath, I pushed open the large metal door and entered the building. Sending the stairs, I looked around at the tables. We had agreed to grab dinner at the café and eat it while doing what would become our twice a month counseling session. I tried to come up with the most boring arrangement possible. And again, to my surprise, Nero had agreed.
Spotting him as he spotted me, I pointed towards the café telling him I would grab my food. Luckily he already had a sandwich in front of him. It would allow him to hold the table. They were hard to find at this hour. I guess that meant that he had arrived a little early.
Charging my food to my meal plan, I took my tray to his table and settled myself across the two-top from him. I tried not to think about how beautiful he was. I also tried not to think about what it was like making love to him. I tried not to think about what it felt like as he pushed into me. This was going to be harder than I thought.
“Hi,” I said awkwardly.
“Hi,” he said without his usual charming smile.
I knew I was supposed to be the one driving this conversation, but it had never been our dynamic. He was always the one trying to get me to talk. Everything seemed out of whack between us now. But, I was going to figure out how to make this work.
“So, Quin said that things went well by the lake. Would you agree with that?”
“Would I agree? Sure.”
The silence drew out when he didn’t say any more.
“Good. Do you want to share anything from the experience?”
“Like what?”
“Anything that stands out. Anything that might be helpful for me to know.”
Nero thought for a second. “I told everyone the story I told you about being my landlord’s enforcer.”
“Really? And, how did that go over?”