Page 358 of His Hungry Wolf
With his hands now gripping the back of my arms, he took my nip in his teeth. I was as sensitive as fuck and he was biting it. It hurt but the pleasure of it made me purr.
Finally when he locked his jaw not seeming like he would let go, I struggled against his powerful grip. Only then did he continued his trail of kisses down my body. I felt the pleasure of relief.
The world around me was cold. His lips were warm. I could feel the tip of his nose and his breath. That was hot. His heat enveloped me further robbing me of my will. So, when he reached the waist of my pants and teased releasing my button, I wanted him so badly, I could snap.
Rubbing his angular cheeks against my hard cock, he teased me. I tensed unable to do anything else. He pushed back on it telling me he was there.
I wanted more than that, though. So, when he undid my pants, I ached to feel his flesh on mine. With him quickly stripping me naked, I didn’t have to wait long.
Looking up at him, I felt vulnerable as he examined me. He was looking at me like I was his. His look was right. I was willing to do anything he wanted me to.
Standing next to the couch, he removed his shirt. Nero had the chest of a god. His rounded pecs quivered and his rippling abs glistened. His arms were brick houses and his shoulders were broader than any bridge.
I couldn’t believe that this guy was mine. He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. And when I saw the outline of what crossed the length of his pants, I swallowed. He was about to dominate me with it and I wanted him to. I wanted to take all of him until he had nothing left to give.
So, when he unbuttoned his pants and climbed between my legs, my cock danced. He was taking me in his mouth like he once had. His insides were a furnace. I burned for him.
With him gently massaging my balls, his tongue rode the lines of my dick. Tracing it up, he continued onto the ridge of my head. I could barely contain myself as he did it. I had never felt more sensitive in my life.
I could only stand it for a few seconds before I reached down gripping his shaggy blond hair. He must have known I was ready to blow. That was when he released my cock and grabbed the back of my thighs. Folding my hairless legs onto my chest, his tongue pushed between my cheeks.
Pressing against my button, he forced himself in me. It felt glorious. He was only preparing me, though. And when he slathered something onto me that made my hole open, he took his place on top of me leaning down kissing me.
It was as he nibbled on my bottom lip that I felt the tip of his cock pushing into me. I had remembered how big he was, but I had forgotten how it felt entering. As much as I stretched, I needed to stretch more. I groaned and twitched feeling his girth.
When my opening snapped around his head, it was a mercy as much as it was a gift. It was electric. I looked up desperately catching my breath. He gave me my moment to breathe. When he began again, I was ready.
“Ahhhh!” I moaned as I swallowed the full length of him.
In every way, he was a god. Beneath him, I was a pig spinning on his oversized spit. And when he reached the end of me and slowly pulled himself back, my toes stretched knowing what to expect.
Fucking gently to start, it didn’t take long until he was riding me like a bronco. It felt fantastic. My chin pointed to the sky needing even more of him. And when he took hold of my cock and stroked me as he fucked, I grabbed his back and rode him to orgasm.
“Yeeeeeaaaaahhh!” I screamed as a powerful sensation ripped up my inner thigh and tore through my balls.
Nero thrust forward as both of us exploded. I was cumming all over the place. Nero’s cum filled me.
Pinned to the couch, I felt like the flinching would never stop. As if my finger was in a socket, the slightest movement sent me twitching again. Nero didn’t seem much better. He looked as scared to move as I was for him to do it. Nero had given me all of the greatest things in my life and this night turned out to be another of them.
Still catching my breath, I looked up searching for his eyes. I found them looking down at me.
“I love you,” he said before I got the chance.
“I love you, too,” I told him meaning it with every part of my being.
With those words, my teeth rattling spasms stopped. He was able to slip his still hard cock out of me and allow my legs to fall. I was expecting him to lie on top of me but as if I was weightless, he picked me up, switched places, and rested me on his chest.
There was nowhere in the world I would rather have been. Nero was my home. He was my protector. I was willing to do anything I had to to keep him. And I knew he would do the same.
I loved Nero with everything I had in me. And I knew I was going to love him until my dying day. Sure, we were destined to have some rough patches especially with him coming out right before the NFL draft. But there was no question about it, in the end, the two of us were going to live happily ever after.