Page 373 of His Hungry Wolf
‘I need you. Please talk to me.’
I knew what he needed to talk to me about. He had gotten engaged. He wanted me to be happy for him like I always was. Usually, I liked being his biggest cheerleader. Lou was a fantastic guy. I was sure he didn’t see how great he was. I was only too glad to remind him when I could.
But, I couldn’t do this for him. I couldn’t pretend to be happy that he had gotten engaged to a guy who he had known for two weeks. There was no way.
I loved him. I wanted to be with him. And there was no way Seymour, or whatever his name was, knew how incredible Lou was.
‘6:30 at Commons,’I replied breaking my silence.
He sent back a heart emoji. It made me smile.
I wasn’t making a mistake. Lou had to have feelings for me, right? I was the guy he returned to after all of his dates. I was the one he came to when he was sad. I was his guy.
And when I told him I loved him, he would know he had made a mistake saying yes to that other guy. He would then break off his engagement and we could finally have the life we were always meant to have.
For the rest of the day, I did my best to pay attention in my classes. But it was hard to take my mind off of what would be the true beginning of my life. I had loved him for so long. Nero had seen through me months ago. I was into guys and the only person who meant anything to me was Lou.
Returning to my dorm to kill the final hour before we were to meet, I ran into my new roommate, Cali. Amazingly, he had had a growth spurt over the summer. So, the once skinny, dark-haired kid who always had a mysterious look in his eyes, had turned into the quiet, built jock.
He knew it too because he spent most of his day with his shirt off. Luckily, he wasn’t my type. But I was starting to get the feeling that our types were similar.
“Hey,” he grunted when I entered tossing my bag onto the bed and climbing in behind it.
I looked over at him. He had his shirt off because of course he did. He had to have just come back from football practice.
“You went home?”
“Huh? Oh yeah. I needed to clear my head.” I sprung up. “Wait, do you know a guy on the team by the name of Seymour?”
“Sey? Yeah, what about him?”
“What do you think of him?”
Cali got squirrely and looked away.
“He’s alright, I guess.”
“He’s into guys, right?”
Cali’s eyes snapped to mine. “Maybe. Why do you ask?”
“I think he asked Lou to marry him.”
He looked at me surprised. “Your Lou?”
“Yea,” I said with a look that said how unhappy I was about it.
“Damn. Alright. Did you want to go mess him up?”
That wasn’t a response I was expecting.
“I wasn’t thinking that. But it does sound tempting,” I said with a laugh. I wasn’t sure why, but what he said had made me feel better. “What do you know about him?”
Cali thought. “Rich guy. Transferred from Nashville.”
“He transferred from Nashville?” I asked knowing that despite East Tennessee’s string of championships thanks to Nero and his brother Cage, Nashville was a much more prestigious football program.