Page 448 of His Hungry Wolf
The drive for that approval was powerful. It blinded you to everything else. His weren’t idol threats. He would destroy Titus’s life and the life of everyone in Titus’s hometown if I didn’t agree to marry him. He… had me.
Catching himself, he sat up and looked around. He was back to looking like the guy I had fallen for. Every moment I had spent with him had been a lie.
“But, I digress. Let’s not focus on the negative.”
“And, what’s the positive?”
He smiled. “The positive is that I’ve already discussed it with your parents. We will be having a December wedding and your parents have graciously agreed to pay for it. You’re going to be the second best-looking groom in Tennessee.” He looked at me enthusiastically.
“You have to know that we are going to have an incredible life together, right? Merging our two families, in no time we’re going to be running this state. Maybe even the country.
“And where ever we go, you are going to be the perfect husband. Poised, charming. You’re going to have to work on that, of course, but I’ll help you with it. By the time we’re ready to make our mark on this world, you’ll know exactly how to act. It’s going to be amazing.
“Oh, and you can never see Titus again. But that went without saying, right? We can’t have a repeat of whatever happened last weekend,” he said with a laugh. “Now, how about we order dinner. I’m starved.”
I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t breathe. In that moment everything went dark. I passed out.
Chapter 10
Driving away from Lou after we had had sex for the first time was the hardest thing I have had to do. I was uncontrollably, head over heels in love with him. Lying by the waterfall with Lou naked in my arms, I could see the rest of my life in front of me. Lou was my future and he agreed. That was why it was weird when I stopped hearing from him.
He had said that we couldn’t do anything together until he spoke to Sey. But that didn’t include texting each other. Between when I left him at Quin’s place and his meeting Sey, we had to have texted 100 times. Most were just a few words letting the other know we were thinking about them. But after he said Sey had arrived at the restaurant, it all stopped.
‘How’d it go?’ I texted him.
‘You still with him?’ I texted later in the night when I didn’t get a response.
‘Seriously, let me know how it went,’ I wrote hours later.
‘You’re freakin’ me out a little,’ I sent before starting with the calls.
A day went by and then two. What had happened? Did he lose his phone? Was he alright?
‘Have you seen Lou? It’s an emergency,’ I texted Quin.
‘Yeah. What’s going on?’ He responded quickly.
‘He okay? I haven’t heard from him.’
Quin’s response wasn’t as quick.
‘He says he’s fine.’
That didn’t make any sense. If he’s fine, then why hadn’t I heard from him?
‘You sure about that?’
Quin sent me a shrug emoji.
‘I’ll keep asking to see if I can get any more out of him.’
‘Let me know if you do.’
“Something up?” A voice asked pulling my attention away from my phone.
I looked up and fire ripped through me.