Page 24 of At Your Door
This is the point where I should probably scream.
Try to break free.
But there’s no point when I already know who it is. How could I not know when she’s all I’ve been thinking about? It’s ridiculous how quickly my eyes flutter closed as the deep, musky scent of sandalwood and patchouli overtakes my senses. She smells like her home—I know this because it was one of the first things I noticed, along with the insane décor. Her place smelled like a less migraine-inducing version of a men’s department store.
“It’s time to go.”
My eyes snap open at the roughness in her voice; it rings with command. She’s almost unrecognizable, but when I lean back to look up, I’m quickly reminded of how tall Griffon is. My head hits her chest almost instantly. Not like how I was with—
Oh shit.
Even in Griffon’s grasp, I wiggle around, trying to find Bella... or is it Stella? But she’s long gone and probably moved on as soon as Griffon stepped in. Her presence is demanding, and I understand why. I should feel bad, but I can only focus on how weak my legs feel. I’ve never felt so vulnerable with my arms pulled back.
How long was she up there watching me before deciding enough was enough?
A shiver runs down my spine as I imagine a jealous Griffon running around, trying to find me.
“I said it’s time to go,” Griffon repeats herself slowly. I don’t even try to argue as she releases one of my arms and begins to pull me through the crowd toward the exit.
Once we make it through the door, the cool air hits my hot, sweaty skin, and I immediately break free from her grasp, as if I never wanted to be held in the first place.
“What the hell? Where’s El?”
I take a few steps back to create space between us, hoping to regain control over the situation. But Griffon has other ideas; she grabs my wrist and pulls me closer.
Finally, I can see under the brim of her hat. Her eyes are a shade darker than usual, and only one eyebrow is raised as she tilts her head.
“You weren’t really worried about El when you were just busy humping that girl’s thigh—”
My eyes bulge as I try to register what she just said. Her expression borders on mockery.
“—Uber’s already here.” Griffon’s hand raises, and my eyes follow as she points to a small car where El, Monica, and Lauren are currently stuffing themselves inside.
When I turn back to Griffon, she’s already walking to the other side of the car, and I follow silently. My cheeks are already pink from embarrassment, but as I round the car to the open door, they turn bright red when I realize the vehicle is completely full. There sits Griffon, a small smirk playing on her lips.
“Uhhh,” is all I can manage as I look around and see El in the passenger seat and a very giggly Monica perched on Lauren's lap.
“Come on, Mia, there’s room!” El exclaims. I know she’s drunk, but I still shoot her a glare.
“Yeah, Mia, there’s room,” Griffon teases, patting her lap. Her arms move behind Lauren's headrest, completely spreading out.
“Of course,” I mutter before slipping into the car and settling on Griffon's thigh.
I purposely scoot all the way to the left until my body is pressed against the window, barely in her lap. It’s uncomfortable, and my ass is killing me, but I know the drive will be over soon, so I just need to push through. There’s really no point in complaining.
“You can scoot back, you know?” Griffon questions.
“Oh, I’m good!” I reply, cringing at my overly cheerful tone.
But when the driver pulls away quickly and starts speeding down the street, I almost immediately get whiplash and am knocked back into Griffon’s chest.
Her hands fly down to grip my waist and steady me. “I told you to sit back.”
I should have something smart as a comeback, but I let out a deep sigh of defeat instead. After accepting, I begin to shift around to get more comfortable. Within seconds, my body freezes as I feel something big and hard poking my ass.
Instantly, my mind begins to race a mile a minute. With wide eyes, I slowly turn around to face an already smiling Griffon. Without needing to exchange words, my unasked question is immediately answered.