Page 34 of At Your Door
“You're package!” Griffon's bright voice makes me smile, but my brows furrow in confusion as she lowers me slowly until my feet rest softly on my hardwood floors.
I don't even realize what she’s doing until she reaches back down to pick up a small-ish brown box.
“I didn't order anyth—“
My thoughts cut me off, and my wide eyes quickly snapped up at an already cheesing Griffon.
But by the time it all clicks for me, all I can do is yelp and giggle as Griffon swoops me back into her arms before finally kicking my door shut.
The last thing I hear is Griffon's soft but deep voice whispering against my ear,
“Consider this a special delivery.”
The feeling of delicate, warm lips trailing up my legs is what pulls me from my haze of sleep. No matter how long it's been, I don't think I’ll ever stop getting butterflies from her touch. That might be why I lay there with my eyes closed longer than needed.
Not wanting to ruin the feeling of her gentle eagerness trying to wake me up. Each kiss leaves a burning sensation under my skin, and it's getting harder and harder to act like I don't feel it.
But, like most times, I can only hold out for so long before giving in. Griffon knows that though—this is just her part of the fun. She always has to play some type of game with me.
As the softness of her body melts into mine, her lips drag slowly against my stomach, and instinctively, a gasp escapes from her lips as my back begins to arch. Giving in, I quickly look down to finally meet her deep blue eyes, perfectly framed with copper ringlets that curl against her forehead. She looked more ethereal than ever, and I couldn’t refrain from reaching both hands down and sinking my nails into the nape of her neck.
“Fuck!” Griffon growls out as I pull her face closer to mine.
Her powerful and well-sculpted body moved with ease. And even while lying down, she completely towers over me. There was something about how Griffon's strength never lessened her femininity. Yes, she was rough, and the palms of her hands definitely reflected her choice of work. But still, her kisses were soft, and her touch felt like my body was coated in honey. It’s one of the many reasons I think I turn into mush under her gaze.
As our faces become inches apart, she gains back control and flips us over, leaving me straddling her chest.
“Woah!” My arms swing around, attempting to gain balance and adjust to the sun's blaring heat.
“—Not even a good morning or anything?” I peer down to see the biggest grin on her face, and I immediately match it.
“First day in our new apartment, and you want me to say‘good morning’to you?”
Her eyebrows shoot up as her tongue just barely slips between her lips, and I have to throw my head back to stop myself from groaning.
I cannot believe this is my life right now, but when I glance over to the wall of windows that are to the right of me, I almost gasp at the view of the water.
Ever since Griffon surprised me with the keys to my dream apartment, nothing has truly seemed real. But last night, after months of her renovating and designing our new space, we officially moved in.
I like to think fate brought us together, knowing we both had the same hopes and dreams of getting this apartment.
But nothing could have prepared me for what Griffon described as the perfect blend of the two of us. Our cozy but modern-style apartment had a complete open floor plan. There were no tight hallways to fall down in or tiny bathrooms to flood.
Instead, windows lined the walls, starting from the living room and wrapping all the way around to the other side of our bedroom, making the place feel spacious with how much light pours in.
My favorite, though, was the kitchen. With hand-painted olive green cabinets and gold fixtures, it looked like any lesbian’s dream. But the real kicker was the custom-built coffee bar that Griffon made for me. I mean, everything in this place she built was really just for me. I don't realize I’m smiling until Griffon's raspy voice interrupts my thoughts.
“You done daydreaming up there, so I can fuck you?” She’s loud and abrupt, and I immediately chuckle.
“Babe—!” my hands playfully slap her chest, “—I have to get to work.” Her hands start to caress my hips, and it's almost like everything I just said went in one ear and out the other. But it’s not like I’m stopping to complain as she begins to apply more pressure. Slowly pushing me down until I’m forced to grind against her.