Page 9 of At Your Door
Eleanor looks like one of those cartoon characters when they get a crazy idea and a lightbulb pops up above their head. Instead, the light is in her eyes, and I can feel the excitement rolling off her. But I’m about 100 steps behind, trying to catch up.
“Okay, but why in the world would I do that? And who the hell do you think I am?” I ask, my neck craning forward as my eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“I mean, don’t you want to change her perspective on you just a little bit? She probably thinks you're just some stuck-up bitch of a neighbor that she’ll never get along with. Plus, she embarrassed you at your job, Mia. She knows she’s in your head. And she definitely doesn’t think you have the balls to do it,” Eleanor explains.
I close my eyes tightly and pinch the bridge of my nose, trying not to take offense to any of her accusations.
“And you think mefakeusing that toy will help change her perspective?”
Her eyes are wide as she nods proudly.
I don’t even know what to say anymore. I thoughtIwas down bad, but Eleanor seems to have completely lost it. I feel like I’m the only one still stuck on the crazy idea she just proposed, and she doesn’t even seem fazed by my silence.
In fact, for the rest of the night, she seems so satisfied with what she’s come up with that she falls asleep halfwaythrough the movie she picked. And I’m stuck watching zombies tear people’s brains apart while I work my way through the bomb she just dropped on me.
“Okay, we have to cheers to Griffon’s new apartment!” Monica squeals while standing up, even though only three of us are at the table.
“Although I don’t approve of you moving so far away from us, I know this is an amazing opportunity for you to do what you wantandlive where you want. So, congratulations bitch!” Monica exclaims while raising her glass and almost spilling half of its contents in the process.
The sound of our glasses clinking and the looks on my best friends' faces make me bite my tongue from telling Monica that she’s made the same speech three times already tonight. I know I can’t bring down her high, not when they’ve both helped me so much. So, I raise my glass of water to my mouth, smile, and take a sip.
Even though I was the one who suggested we go out to a bar, I’d already decided I wasn’t going to drink tonight. Not only is tomorrow my first day on the job, but I don’t feel like I need alcohol to celebrate. I just want to be fully present in the moment. Because I actually did it, and for the first time inalmost a week, it’s finally starting to feel real—thanks to Lauren and Monica for helping me finish unpacking.
I officially received my keys last Tuesday and then completely procrastinated on the move for the rest of the week. They were already planning to drive up to celebrate, but when they showed up Monday morning, they were shocked at the sight of my disastrous apartment. Without hesitation, they started bulldozing through my boxes of nonsense just to help me organize. I promised them drinks in return for all their hard work.
“Wait, why are we having your housewarming party at a bar instead of your actual new apartment?” Monica asks.
The past few days flashed through my mind, and I set my water down with a deep sigh. “Because of my crazy new neighbor, remember? I’m trying not to bother her any more than I already have.”
“Oh, you mean the one who had to hear you fuck all night long?” Monica teases and all I can do is roll my eyes as they burst into laughter. I know they won’t be stopping anytime soon—they’ve been laughing about it all day ever since I told them what happened with Mia.
“I already apologized and said I didn’t know she was home,” I groan, which only makes them laugh harder.
“I wouldn’t call surprising her at work and embarrassing her much of an apology,” Lauren chimes in after calming down.
“Poor girl’s probably terrified of you. You send her a sex toy, keep her up all night with your shenanigans, and then show up at her job to bother her?”
Lauren takes a sip of her drink, and Monica jumps in without missing a beat.
“Yeah, honestly, I give her props for calling you out. I’d have done the same,” she says in agreement.
“Okay, wow—you don’t even know her, and you’re already siding with her? Also, are we forgetting she’s the one who stole my package?” I throw my arms up, baffled at how this conversation flipped onto me.
“Please, that toy? You’ve got more than enough toys,” Monica retorts, scrunching up her nose.
“And are you sure you didn’t just put the wrong address? You do that a lot, you know,” Lauren says, raising an eyebrow.
I’m actually stuck for a moment. I never considered the possibility that I might’ve put the wrong address. I honestly thought she was just a crazy thief.
“You didn’t think about that, huh?” Monica asks.
They both have pursed lips as I shake my head, admitting I hadn’t.
Of course, I didn’t think about that part specifically—maybe because I was so focused on everything else.