Page 8 of Throttle All the Way
The city sounds seemed distant and I focused on my next move as I quickly ducked into a small restaurant, the jingle of the door announcing my arrival. Glancing around, I sought refuge among the tables, desperately searching for signs of the stalker outside.
My breath caught as I glimpsed him through the café's window, lingering on the sidewalk just outside the door. Panic gripped me, and I quickly slid into a booth in the corner of the restaurant. Sliding down in the seat, I clutched the sunflowers I’d bought, to my chest, hiding my face in them while my eyes fixated on the man outside.
He wore a black leather jacket, dark blue jeans, and black boots. He had a black baseball cap and dark sunglasses. He stood sideways and I couldn't make out his face. He had a slight five o'clock shadow and he looked young, maybe late twenties. His face darted left and right as if searching for me.
Time seemed to stretch as I waited, my eyes darting to the entrance every few seconds. A waitress brought me a cup of coffee, the warmth of the ceramic mug was comforting against the chill that had settled in my bones. I sipped the coffee, each gulp a desperate attempt to steady my nerves.
The stalker lingered outside, and I contemplated whether to run, my mind racing through the options as I weighed the risks of leaving the safety of my seat. The restaurant’s atmosphere became stifling, the air thick with tension.
As the minutes stretched into an eternity, I noticed a group of people leaving the café, creating a natural distraction. Seizing the opportunity, I slipped through a side exit, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the stranger. When I didn’t see him, I ran. I ran for blocks, at some point discarding the flowers I bought as I hailed a taxi. I glanced over my shoulder as it pulled away. That’s when I saw him. His eyes met mine as he stood on the corner watching the taxi drive by. A chill ran down my spine as those dark eyes never left mine.
I slumped down in the back seat watching as the city streets swept by. I had questions.
Who was he?
What did he want?
Did Yulian send him?
Back at my apartment I locked the door behind me and sank onto the couch, the weight of the day settling in. dread seeped into my mind, the fear of being at Yulian’s mercy paralyzing me once again. I jumped at the sound of the phone ringing, and seeing Sabrina's name flash on the screen, I quickly answered.
“I saw your missed call, is everything okay?”
“I'm not sure,” I walked toward the window, glancing down at the street below, still searching for the man I’d seen. His dark eyes flashed in my mind, and I shivered.
“What's wrong?” Sabrina sounded somewhat concerned.
“There was a man…I don't know who he is, but I could swear he was following me.”
“Was he a Bratva?” She asked, after a moment's pause.
“I…I don't know. He didn't look like one.”
“The police?” She continued, seeming more interested in how this could affect her than how it could affect me.
I could see him standing there, hands in his pockets, that severe click to his jaw. He looked menacing but not a cop. “Didn't look like the police.”
“Maybe it was just your imagination. You've been through a lot Mila. There's no need to worry.”
I wasn't able to respond before she continued. “If you see him again let me know. For now, there's no cause for concern. He didn't hurt you, did he?”
“No. He was more like hiding from me.”
“Maybe he wants to solicit you. You are becoming popular now” she chuckled, her voice softening. “Don't worry. I'm sure it's nothing. Go get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow.”
I slid the phone onto the kitchen counter, but I couldn't shake the fact that the man had been following me. Looking out the window, I scanned the street again, hoping Sabrina was right and it was just my mind playing tricks on me.
Things got out of control quickly. One moment I’m watching her stroll down aisles of sunflowers, the next she’s running.
It took me a minute to realize I'd been made. My angel was quick at dodging me, but I wasn't going to give up my mark that easily. Made or not, I still had to watch over her. There was a bigger threat than me out there, and I had no intention of hanging back while Yulian was hunting her.
The thought of him hurting her was what brought me to her doorstep tonight. I wasn’t thinking about repercussions or about the fact that I was acting crazy, I just moved with one sole purpose…to protect her.