Page 17 of Gladiator's Bite
“It can be but I don’t think it is in the way you mean it. I think it’s cultivated in the genes of our ancestors and passed down. Ancestors fought wars and struggled and whatever other trauma and then that lives inside of us until we figure out how to deal with it,” Laken said, sitting up.
“It’s not morning,” I flashed him an apologetic smile.
“I know but you’re not ready for bed apparently. What do you usually do to go to sleep?”
I stopped short of answering that question. Most nights I fell asleep still talking to someone. Most of the time it was Teddy. Sometimes it was someone from back home or texting some random person I met online – either here or back home.
“Then talk,” Laken laughed. “Food is the most important after hatchlings. Then its family and safety. Then it’s sleep. That is the draconic hierarchy of needs, and I want you to get some sleep.”
“Are you always so pragmatic?”
“No. I’m usually a selfish bastard by Starscale standards. It’s a mate thing. Just like you’d laugh at anyone else with a needle phobia.”
“I’m not so sure I would,” I yawned, turning to my side to face him. “Come lay back down. I don’t like it when you’re so far away.”
He stretched out next to me and I rested my hand on his side. Touching him soothed out some of the rough edges of my thoughts.
“This isn’t how I imagined our first night together, either, if I’m honest,” Laken said. “I thought we’d be alone somewhere screwing each other’s brains out. I think that’s the pretty standard expectation, though.”
“What did you imagine I’d be like? Not a Moony, huh?” I asked, stroking his cheek to feel his prickly beard hairs poking against my fingers.
“Eh, when I first thought about meeting you, I didn’t know there was such a thing as Moonys, mate. After the Medwin 2 landed, I knew it would be one of you.”
“Did you have a favorite of us for it to be?” I asked.
“That’s a bad faith question but no, I didn’t actually. I stood back and watched all of you meet your mates. Well, Castor and then the healer. Then the broody one. In the long run, attaching myself to the idea of it being any of you didn’t make sense. I already chose back before anyone lived here – before there was a world here. So, mostly I just kept an eye on all of you and kept my vibe feeler open.”
“That sounds like a dirty name for your omegahole.”
“If I was going to use the word vibe with something to describe that feeler wouldn’t be the word,” Laken chuckled and leaned his head in closer to mine.
“Which word then?”
“I don’t know. Don’t know that I much like vibrations. I’m old fashioned. Give me something that suction cups to a surface and quit with all that fancy stuff.”
My nostrils flared as I imagined him slamming his round, muscular ass down against a phallic toy suctioned to his desk.
“Take it further mate,” Laken whispered, picking up the mental image. “What am I doing to you? Or do you just enjoy watching?”
I stumbled over what to say three times before I managed to croak out, “all of it.”
“You’re gonna be fun,” he grinned at me.
“Because I’m so ---”
“It all means a lot to you. That’s hot. That’s like having commitment for a kink. I’ve waited a long time for you. So, whether it’s because you got tongue tied or couldn’t choose which way to take that dirty talk, that’s sort of hot.”
His words went straight to my dick. I adjusted my position to be more comfortable and the head of Laken’s hard dick brushed against my thigh.
“Huh,” he chuckled. “Maybe those are the real reasons we can’t sleep.”
We both leaned forward, closing the space between our lips. I slid my tongue into his mouth. He tasted so good as he inched closer until our bodies were pressed together. His hips wiggled until the head of his hard cock brushed up the length of my shaft. My breath caught in my lungs.
“You alright?” He froze from the neck down.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “That—off guard? I don’t know.”
“Let’s try a different question. Do you want me to stop?”