Page 22 of Gladiator's Bite
Teddy was a good friend to Sunny. When he took his speedy departure, he left the doughnuts behind and told Sunny to tell him what he needed packed up for our matingmoon. I followed Teddy’s path out of the Gladiator Campus over the flight link to ensure he wasn’t hunting down Selt. I had a feeling he wasn’t going to want to help us at all and Teddy wouldn’t be the best person to speak to him about it. As much as Sunny and his friend wouldn’t like the idea, that job would fall to me when it was time. I knew him the longest and knew all his sore points. Selt stood in his father’s shadow and would never be the fighter his old man was. He took that out on everyone because fighting was what he chose to fill up that void with.
“So, where to or are we camping out here for a few weeks?” Sunny asked.
“No. We’ll go to my place. My grandma’s almost ready to leave. She’s excited to get back to 3. I think she has a new boyfriend. She was only on 1 because I mentioned my vibe to her. I think she wanted to scout ahead to see what you were like.”
“Does Selt live on 1?” he asked me.
“Yeah,” I nodded. “He used to live on 2 but they moved him to 1 hoping he’d meet his mate and calm his fiery balls down. He’s an asshole because he won’t take therapy. He’s mad that he can’t have his way. If you ask me, he needs that suction cup dildo more than I do.”
Sunny laughed and reached over to pick up my bag.
“Nope. You carry the food and your little bag. This one is mine,” I said, shouldering it. “I love all the old-fashioned stuffbut I’m an omega who can lift you above my head and toss you across the arena. I can carry my own bag.”
“Sheesh! So dramatic,” Sunny teased pinching me on the butt. “Should I set up the dildo for you to calm down with?”
“Be nice or you’re not getting to watch,” I said, motioning for him to pick up the doughnuts. “We’ll walk back to my place. I don’t like flying with my bag.”
“What’s in there?”
“My stuff,” I rolled my eyes. “Hey, I’m not trying to be an asshole. I’ve been single a long ass time and it’s going to take time for me to be more open too. I can talk about sex and romping all day long but other things you’re going to find I’m just as elusive as you are about certain topics.”
“Got a teddy bear or something?” he asked.
“Not exactly. Nothing that private even.”
“Something’s rubbed you the wrong way,” Sunny said.
“Thinking about having to work with Selt, I guess. Don’t get me wrong, I can handle him. I’m even willing to make the sacrifice to connect the flight with the rest of the worlds. I just don’t look forward to it.”
“Someone on the bus said he played grab ass while fighting.”
“He didn’t with me,” I shook my head. “He does. He and all his goonies with each other. It might look weird from the outside but they’re more show than fight and the crowds like it okay enough since they’re only in the arena occasionally.”
“What does he really have against you?” Sunny asked. “You said you never dated him, and it seems to be personal.”
“He dated Frey in high school and cheated on him. I was the one who told Frey about it and had proof. He thought I should’ve minded my own business, but my friends’ hearts are my business. He needs to grow up and show up.”
“Frey’s mate is better than him, right?” Sunny asked, flashing me the suspicious side eyes.
“For Frey? Yes. I say it like that because Selt is a flight member, and I hope one day he’s worthy of the title.”
“You’re nicer than me. Once a cheater always a cheater.”
“I don’t want to date him. I just want him to be worthy of being in our flight. We’ll feed him and keep him even if that’s dubious but we’re going to bug the hell out of him until he shapes up.”
“That sounds really annoying. Really fucking annoying. I don’t think you can annoy anyone – even jackasses – into changing.”
“Well, we feed and house them while treating them like they’re a worthy flight member too. If he hurts someone, he’ll be in trouble but cheating on a high school boyfriend isn’t an offense to kick him out of the flight for. Neither is calling me a cock tease. He’s jealous of you, Sunny. He was probably jealous of you as soon as he laid eyes on you. It’s not anything to do with me – not me personally. You show up after living like a prince your whole life. You get to fight in the highest ranks, and you have me. Plus, you have a friend like Teddy who has your back. Did you see anyone run up to defend him when that happened? He was surrounded by his own flight and by dragons he calls friends, but no one did. He’s jealous of you.”
“Not to change the subject, but where would I have fought if you hadn’t asked to fight me?” Sunny asked.
“Not against me. They’d never put a first timer against me. They probably wouldn’t have put you against any omega because you’re not from here. They’d have waited until they saw how you behaved in the arena. You would’ve probably started one stage down from the top but that’s not a bad place to start.”
“My ego isn’t bruised. That was your match. It ended on your terms,” Sunny said.
“So, bottoming breaks your brain but losing a fight doesn’t?”