Page 25 of Gladiator's Bite
“You don’t have to explain. If broad daylight backyard head is off limits, it’s off limits. You don’t have to explain why,” I said, dropping to my knees.
Once we were alone with the door shut, getting Laken out of his clothes was easy. I kissed his belly before licking up and down the happy trail that led to his hard, throbbing dick. He ran his fingers through my hair, tickling and massaging my scalp, as I licked and kissed up and down his stomach before finally dropping my attention down to his cock. Holding it at its wide shaft, I licked up his underside. His hands gripped my shoulders and squeezed, fingers trembling against my flesh. I drew zigzags with my tongue around scales as I licked my way back down to my fist. I took my time exploring his dick and marking him as my territory before he used his bulk to make room for himself to drop down to the floor with me. Cupping my chin, he pulled me up into a long, hard kiss. His teeth scraped against my bottom lip, bringing up scales to protect me. I kissed him hard until he leaned back on his heels almost as if we both struggled to whip the other’s tongue into submission. He kissed me back, running his hands up and down my thighs.
“Lay back,” he murmured against my lips, and I almost did without asking why.
“Don’t be like that,” he laughed. “I’m not asking you to walk over a mine field. Just lay back.”
“My turn to get you off,” I shook my head in between kisses.
“And I plan to get off,” he said, caressing the spots where my knees bent. “I promise it’ll be worth it to trust me for a second. Imean, you trusted me not to kill you in the arena. I don’t plan on smothering you today.”
Laughing, I leaned back until my legs came out from under me so that I could stretch them out. Laken was over me, kissing me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck as our tongues danced between our mouths. Every inch of me craved more of him. Touching and kissing – hell, even sucking him, wasn’t enough. It was as if something inside me starved, and he was the only cure for the hunger pangs plaguing me. I kissed him like he was my oxygen, and I would die without him.
“Be right back. Sort of,” he laughed, rolling off me.
I reached for him, but he was already out of grabbing range. He was over me, undoing my pants and stealing them away so that I lay naked on his kitchen floor. Then he straddled over me with his face above my hard dick. Before my brain registered which position he’d guided us into, he licked away a drop of precum from the sensitive, throbbing head of my dick. I roared as the sensation rolled up my body.
“Told you it’d be worth it,” Laken chuckled, his words laced with need.
He wiggled his ass at me, until I hooked my hands under his hips and pulled him back. I licked over the textured skin of his soft scrotum as he returned his attention to licking up and down my shaft. Holding onto his hips and thighs, I licked away the slick arousal that dribbled onto his balls. Slowly, teasingly, I licked and kissed my way up to his dripping omegahole. I squeezed his hips as his mouth slid down my dick. My hips arched up to meet his soft, welcoming mouth.
Laken’s hands rested hard against my thighs as if silently telling me to hold still. All that meant was I needed to work harder if he could still think that straight. I lapped at the sweet, tangy arousal pooling around his omegahole. He pushed back against my face and suddenly I got his joke about notsmothering me. I grinned for a second before I lost my train of thought as Laken’s nimble tongue traced the tip of my cock and then licked away another drop of precum.
I snatched at my wits and gripped his hips, my fingers digging into his flesh as I licked over his dribbling omegahole. He pressed back against me again, letting out a deep, throaty moan that let me know I was headed in the right direction. I lost myself to his mouth and the taste of his slick arousal sliding all over my tongue and lips. He was so fucking slick – so fucking ready and here I was pinned under him as he sucked my brain out of my dick. My hips rocked against the heavy weight of his hands, thrusting up into his warm mouth. He sucked me hard – taking his time to slide up and down my shaft, drawing out the moment when I’d come despite how close up to my body my heavy balls had drawn themselves.
I licked him relentlessly, doing my best to give as good as I got. He moaned over my dick, pressing his tongue hard against it. I let go of one of his hips and took his thick cock in my hand. He was dribbling a line of precum onto my skin as I stroked him in time with my tongue lapping at the slick arousal still pooling outside his omegahole. He was fucking perfect. I could’ve lived right there on the floor pinned under him with my dick in his mouth forever even as he grew close to the edge and dug his nails into my thighs. I hissed against his flesh but rocked my hips to keep everything going. My breaths came in heavy pants and smoke rings shot out of my nose as if I tried to perform a circus trick.
He roared!
Victory was mine!
Laken came first, spilling the proof of all the pleasure I milked from him onto my flesh. Still, I licked at him as he slid his groaning mouth down my cock again. I trembled underneath him as his nails scratched deeper into me. I bit into his ass cheekwhen I finally came hard and fast and he swallowed down my pleasure as if it were a delicacy. We collapsed together there on the kitchen floor, him still laying on me upside down. I stroked his hips and thighs as we both caught our breath.
Eventually, he wiggled around to face the same direction as me and we helped each other upright. He was right about coming inside. This would’ve been one helluva mess to make where anyone could walk by and see. He grabbed one of the dish towels and wiped my face and then my belly before balling the towel up in his fist. I had the inkling that his shower was going to get used more than it ever had over the next few weeks.
Chapter Twelve
Alone at home with Sunny it was easy to forget about the rest of the world. I wasn’t great about taking time off of work. Thought at first I’d miss the fighting and the roar of the crowd, but I didn’t. Not right away. Maybe I would later but I wouldn’t be on my matingmoon forever, would I? It was easy to forget that Sunny came from a place that wasn’t as balanced as my flight. It was easy to forget that we might have to strip Selt naked and tie him to an altar to unlock our access to Other World gateways. That was easy enough to forget about. I’d seen all he had to show enough times to never want to lay eyes on his naked ass again. Our problems would be there when we resurfaced but sometimes the key to swimming the farthest out to sea was pretending you never had to come up for air at all. Maybe we’d get lucky, and they’d all forget about us too and we’d live here, sequestered away in my house forever.
That evening the doorbell rang but Teddy had already slunk away by the time I made it to the front door. There on the porch was the flight-provided food basket, along with some take out he probably picked up in Starscale 1’s purple district, along with some of Sunny’s stuff. It was his important stuff and some clothes as if Teddy wasn’t sure if he was moving in with me or we’d both migrate over to where they lived together later. I joked about it to Sunny as he fried some pig slices for sandwiches. He went quiet and his scent turned contemplative.
“What? You’re not sure either?” I asked him.
“What I want to say makes me sound like I feel more for Teddy than I do, and I don’t want you to read into it too much.”
“Do you think he’s incapable of living alone?” I asked him.
“No,” Sunny shook his head and flipped the pig slices over in the pan. “He’s more than capable of living alone. It’s just I wonder if he should have to. I’m the one who would hate living alone. I like having someone around to talk to and co-exist with. Maybe I was a wolf in a past life.”
“Or maybe you grew up in a family where talking to others all the time was the happy norm. Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with being introverted either but nothing wrong with liking to have people around. Now, I know we don’t know much about Liam’s visions about what will go on in our part of the universe, but Teddy’s mate isn’t from here. If they want to stay here that house Teddy is living in now would come in handy. I’m not saying we can’t visit each other. We will. Just in the long view, it might be better if we don’t live with him.”
Sunny was quiet for a long moment. Long enough that I started to wonder if I said the wrong thing and it was time for our next squabble.
“I hope I get along with his mate,” Sunny finally said. “I’ve watched so many friend groups fall apart because their mates don’t get along. I don’t want that to be us.”
“If he’s like Teddy, I’m sure you will. Despite his near-choking of Selt, he seems like a guy who goes out of his way to be kind.”