Page 20 of Play It Sinful
“I’m sorry I said anything. Where do you want me to put these?”
“You can set them on the bed.” I point at my roommate’s side of the room.
“You don’t have a roommate?” he asks.
“Officially, yes, but she spends most of her time at her boyfriend’s place.”
“Damn. Youarelucky.”
I still don’t look at him. I’m nervous, and my entire body is shaking. I shouldn’t have agreed to let Sean come to my room. The small space feels even tinier with him inside.
I walk to the window, giving my back to him. “Your five minutes are running.”
“Ash, it’s hard to have a conversation when you won’t even look at me.”
“Stop calling me Ash,” I grit out.
“I will if you turn around.”
With a heavy sigh, I turn, and our eyes meet. My stomach tightens, and my pulse accelerates. He’s looking at me as if he’sseeing the girl from the masquerade party, not the stepsister he loves to piss off.
“I’m waiting,” I croak.
“I… shit. I thought I knew what I wanted to say.”
I cross my arms. “Oh my God, Sean. Is this another of your stupid jokes?”
“It’s not a joke. You’ve been on my mind the entire week. I feel horrible about how we left things. I went after you, you know?”
My brows arch. “You did?”
“Yeah. I was worried. Then I found out you left the party with Ryder’s sister, which eased some of my concern, but not all of it.”
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine,” I lie. I’m the opposite of fine. I can’t believe my voice didn’t come out all high and squeaky.
Sean doesn’t speak for a couple beats while he stares at me as if he wants to read my mind. Finally, he replies, “I’m not. I thought I was, but being here with you… I’m conflicted.”
My heart beats so fast, I can almost hear it pounding against my ribcage. “Conflicted about what?”
He steps forward, invading my personal space. I should move—being this close to him is proving dangerous. My breathing is shallow already.
“About how I want to kiss you again.”
My lips part automatically, and my gaze drops to his mouth.
Maybe he sees that as an invitation. Leaning forward, he cups my cheek. “Tell me to stop.”
“Why are you always so difficult?”
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
His hand slides to the back of my head before he slants his mouth over mine. I hold on to his shirt, twisting the fabric while pulling him closer. His tongue is as hungry and addictive as Iremember. My pulse is thundering in my ears, drowning out the voice telling me this is wrong. I shouldn’t be enjoying Sean’s kiss. But my body disagrees. I’m falling apart in his arms.
“Oh shit. I’m so sorry,” a female voice says.
Sean jumps back, startled. He turns and says, “You must be Ash’s roommate.”