Page 32 of Play It Sinful
“That wasn’t sexist at all,” I grumble.
“It’s the truth, isn’t it?” He smirks, then walks over. “As hookups go, last night was off the charts.”
I push him back before he can kiss me and send my common sense flying out the window. “Quit it. You need to get out of here. They’re probably already parked outside.”
“How am I going to get out of here without them seeing me?”
“Shit.” I begin to pace. “See, that’s why I told you to go home last night.”
“Duh. We’re acting like idiots. So what if they see me walk out? They’ll never suspect I sent the night withyou.”
My brain knows he’d only be pretending to have spent the night with someone else, but my constricted heart doesn’t seem to know the difference. I’m jealous of an excuse.
“True. Well, go on then. Get out of here. I do need to shower.”
He arches his brows, and the corners of his lips twitch upward. “What? No goodbye kiss? I feel so used.”
There’s no chance in hell I’ll kiss him when we’ll be hanging out with our folks in half an hour. I toss a pillow at him and shout, “Go already!”
He laughs and opens the door. “See you later, Ash.”
I can’t believe he’s not freaking out. Am I the only one who sees the potential for disaster here?
My amusement vanishes the moment I step into the hallway. I saw the worry shining in Ashley’s eyes, so my go-to reaction was to joke about it to try to diffuse the tension. I’m not happy about our parents’ surprise visit by any stretch of the imagination. They said they couldn’t come to my first game last night, so their presence in Fairbanks this morning is shocking. And what the hell is Kenzie doing here? She’s supposed to be in London with Mom.
I’m hoping they won’t spot me leaving the building, but I should have known better. They see me as I’m crossing the street toward the parking lot. Dad just happens to be driving in at that precise moment and, for a second, I think the universe is punishing me for doing all those wicked things to my stepsister.
He stops the car and lowers the window. “Sean!”
I have to pretend I didn’t know they’re in town. I hope I don’t exaggerate my surprised expression. “Dad? What are you doing here?”
“We came to visit you and Ash.”
Kenzie also lowers her window and sticks her head out. “Surprise!”
“You’re here too? Don’t you have school?”
The car behind Dad’s honks. “Let me park and we’ll talk.”
I wait for them in the parking lot, bouncing on the soles of my feet. I should have washed my face before I headed out. I smell like sex, and I’m about to be embraced by everyone. Talk about awkward.
Kenzie is the first to reach me. “Sean, I missed your stupid face.”
“Hey, sis. I missed you too.”
“Sheesh, you had a good time last night.” She eases back, grinning.
My face and ears burn. “You could say that.”
I take turns hugging Marnie and Dad, but mercifully, they don’t make a comment about my morning-after smell.
“So, what’s the deal with Kenzie being here?”
“I’ve decided to move back to Boston for senior year.” She shrugs like it’s no big deal, but I know better than that. Kenzie loved her school in London.