Page 8 of Play It Sinful
“Don’t mind Billy. He thinks he has a chance.” John chuckles. “Look, they’re already surrounded by the sharks.”
I turn and, sure as shit, there are a few guys talking to them. My irritation grows. “Who are they?”
“Beats me. Never seen them before.”
Kenzie and Ashley walk away accompanied by two of the guys. “Come on. Let’s introduce ourselves to them.”
“Uh-oh, Sean’s protective-brother mode has been activated,” Billy jokes.
I ignore his comment and walk faster. The beach is more crowded than I anticipated. Most of the people are surrounding the bonfire, but it’s easy to miss someone if they stray from it. When I reach the center of the party, I see only Kenzie, talking to a guy and a girl.
“Where the hell is Ashley?” I ask when I get closer.
Kenzie looks to her left, and then at me. “I don’t know. She was here a second ago.”
“I think she went with Artie to get drinks,” the guy with Kenzie replies.
“Who the fuck is Artie?”
The guy tenses. “My brother. Are you her boyfriend or something?”
“He’s my brother,” Kenzie answers for me.
The idiot exhales. “Relax, dude. She’s safe.”
Like I’m going to trust you, asshole.“Which way did they go?”
“That way,” the girl next to Kenzie replies and points.
I turn around and head in the direction she indicated. John and Billy stay with Kenzie, so she’s safe. Moving away from the fire means I walk a path without illumination. I can see only silhouettes. I take my phone out and use the flashlight app, pointing it at everyone I come across. Most are couples making out.Yeah, getting drinks my ass.
“Dude. Cut it out,” someone complains.
I keep going until I finally find Ashley and Artie. He’s putting a jacket on her—hisjacket—and standing much too close to her.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask, pointing my flashlight in his face.
He jumps back, spooked. “Hey, put that light away.”
“Get lost, Sean,” Ashley chimes in.
“Do you know this jerk?” Artie turns to her.
I shove him back. “Who are you calling a jerk, asshat?”
“Sean, cut it out!” Ashley shouts.
Distracted by her, I don’t see Artie until his knuckles connect with my jaw. I stagger back and trip over something, then fall on my ass.
Fury erupts from the pit of my stomach. “You’re dead.”
I jump back to my feet and slam my body into his, sending him into the sand. Ashley begs me to stop, but I tune her out. I manage to get in two solid punches to Artie’s face before John and Billy drag me off him.
“Dude, calm down,” John urges me.
“What the hell is your problem?” Artie’s brother, who also joined the fray, asks as he helps get him up.
“My problem is your punk-ass brother, who started a fight he can’t finish,” I grit out.