Page 98 of Play It Sinful
“Let me see your hand, Brian,” I grit out.
He moves his arm a little as if he’s putting something in his back pocket, then he shows me his empty hand. “See? Nothing.”
A sinking feeling makes me nauseated. The conversation from the gala where Brian got weirdly excited about the possibility of me being pregnant comes to the forefront of my mind. I grab one of the condom wrappers from the bed and inspect it closely. My heart shrivels into nothing when I notice tiny holes in the package. “You compromised these condoms.”
His eyes widen. “What are you talking about?”
I shuffle back. “I can’t believe this. Did you mess with my pills too?”
“Ash, you’re talking crazy. Of course I didn’t. Why would I do that?”
He’s going to deny it until he goes purple, but I’d bet he has my nail scissors in his pocket. “Turn around.”
“What? No, I’m not going to do that. If you don’t trust?—”
“Turn around, Brian,” I growl. “I’m not fucking kidding.”
His nostrils flare. “Fine.” He reaches back and pulls out the scissors. “Fine. I was messing with the condoms, but not because I want to get you knocked up. I was hoping that if they broke, you wouldn’t make me use them anymore.”
“I didn’t touch your birth control pills. I swear.”
“Get out.” I point at the door.
“Ash, come on. Let’s talk.”
I walk out of my room, fuming. I can’t drag him out, but I can call the cops on his ass. When I don’t see my phone on the coffee table or the kitchen counter, I realize I must have left it in my car. I grab my key and stomp out of the house in a huff.
My body protests. It’s fucking cold, and I’m wearing a sweatshirt with leggings.
“Ash, where are you going? Come back inside,” Brian pleads from the door.
Sean appears out of nowhere, and I stop in my tracks. He must have parked farther down the street and walked here.
“What’s going on?” He takes one look at my lack of winter clothing and then switches his attention to Brian.
Brian steps out of the house. “It’s nothing. Ash is being unreasonable.”
You fucker. If you think I’m not going to tell Sean what you did, you’re sorely mistaken. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t, but I’m too fucking pissed.
“I caught Brian poking holes in my condom wrappers. I asked him to get the fuck out of my house, but he refused.”
“What?” Sean blurts out.
“It isn’t what it sounds?—”
Sean cuts off Brian’s half-baked explanation by lunging forward and punching him in the mouth. Brian’s head whips back, and he staggers, almost falling on his ass.
Hell and damn. I jump in front of Sean, stopping him from pouncing on Brian and beating the shit out of him. “Don’t, Sean. Please.”
“What the hell!” Brian touches his busted lip.
“Just go, Brian!” I shout.
“Fine. But this isn’t over, Ash.”
“Oh, this is fucking over, motherfucker. Come near her again, and I won’t stop at one punch.”