Page 116 of Things We Burn
I rubbed my eyes, struggling between guilt, shame and defensiveness. Did I deserve all of his contempt? Maybe.
“I guess I thought you didn’t want me—us” I corrected, touching my stomach.
Kane’s eyes softened at the corners slightly, but his posture remained rigid, his jaw hard. “I have wanted you from the moment I saw you. You’ve been mine since I laid eyes on you, and you will be mine long after I become dust.” His intense gaze zeroed in on my belly. The fluttering I felt there was not just in my mind but from the limbs of a child who somehow felt her father’s gaze.
“Both of you,” he whispered roughly.
My vision wavered at his words, and I fought against the tears that threatened to fall. Kane was staring at me in a way thatmade me ache for him, that gave the impression he was going to cross the void between us.
A vibration broke the moment.
Kane startled, pulling his phone out of his pocket then glancing at it.
He sighed, tapping buttons.
“I’ve got to go,” he grumbled.
He looked at Blanche, who was sitting by his ankles, waiting patiently for his attention.
“You look after your momma,” he ordered her, as if the dog could understand such commands.
Then he walked to me, moving quickly so I didn’t have time to brace myself. He grabbed the back of my neck and plastered our mouths together.
The kiss was hard, passionate and claiming.
And over too soon.
He didn’t linger near my mouth. No, he bent downward, hands on my bump. “You stay safe and warm in there, baby girl. Your daddy will be back soon.” Warmth spread through my limbs at how incredibly sweet he sounded, whispering to her.
He glanced up at me. “I won’t be long. I’m coming back. I’llalwayscome back, in case that wasn’t clear.” He kissed me again, closemouthed and firm.
Then he walked out.
Leaving Avery for even a moment caused panic to swim deep inside of my gut. I’d been separated from her for months. Which in it of itself had been fucking torture. And that’s when I’d thought she was waiting for me.
But knowing that she’d been growing our baby, that I’d missed that, that I would never get that time back, that made me desperate to have her with me at all times. I was afraid to fucking sleep because I didn’t want to miss a moment with her. I thought of the pressure of little limbs against my palms. I didn’t want to miss a moment withthem.
But some things needed to be done.
Knox had moved quickly. He was efficient as fuck in business, but when it was personal, he was almost superhuman.
“This isn’t going to take long,” I told the man in front of me. “You’ve already taken enough from me.”
I leered at Brax. He had a black eye and a bloody lip. We were on a deserted road in the woods outside of Jupiter.
Brax was standing. Barely.
“I told you not to lay a hand on him,” I said to my brother.
Knox shrugged. “He slipped and fell. Clumsy motherfucker.”
I almost smiled. I wasn’t quite capable of smiling yet, especially with this fuck in front of me.
“Kane.” All bravado was gone from Brax’s voice. He was sniveling and weak now.
“My brother offered to kill you for me,” I said conversationally, walking around him.