Page 35 of Things We Burn
Kiera had called and texted a whole lot since I left with Kane the night of the party. I’d been meaning to get back to her, but I couldn’t figure out how to explain everything that had happened inside a text or a phone call. On top of that, I was caught up in the hurricane that was Kane, and whatever free moment I had when I wasn’t at the restaurant, I was with him.
I’d left my friend at the wayside, and I was plagued with guilt. I wasn’t blessed with having friends. I wasn’t the kind of person with the ability to make friends. Kiera was it for me, and I’d neglected her.
“Busy?” she shrieked. “When you first didn’t reply to me after leaving the party with Kane ‘The Devil’ Rhodes, I thought you were getting banged seven ways from Sunday, and I was happy to leave you to it.” She dragged a hand through her ruby locks. “But then, enough time passed that I figured even TheDevil’s stamina would’ve failed him, and your general addiction for work would’ve pulled you out of his clutches. And still, nothing.” Her hands flew back onto her waist, one hip cocked out. “I toyed with the idea that he had accidentally killed you in an asphyxiation kink gone wrong, but then your restaurant didn’t close, therefore, I surmised you were alive. Justignoring my texts.”
Kiera’s eyes were narrowed, her nostrils flaring, and she was gesturing wildly like she did when she was excited or pissed.
“I get that you’re not into girl talk, but even you, Avery Hart, understand that I, your best friend, at the very least deserve proof of life, if not details of length, girth and preferred positioning.” She yelled the ridiculous words with passion, so I bit my lip, struggling not to laugh.
Kiera was half Italian, half Irish. She was known for her temper. As she was exhibiting then. Laughing at her would not be the smart decision. And though part of me wanted to laugh, I could see the hurt underneath the yelling. Kiera might’ve had a more active social life than me and many friends, but I knew she also considered me her best friend. Me not confiding in her, ghosting her, would never go down well. She didn’t care about the sex details—well, some of her did. Mostly, she felt abandoned. I knew her well enough to understand that.
The apology was on my lips when Kane spoke. “I think you have me to blame.”
Kiera had her mouth open, obviously ready to continue her tirade. Her eyes widened as they went toward the owner of the deep voice, still raspy from sleep. Then those eyes went down.
I followed her gaze, or tried to. Kane was right at my back, and his hand had slid to my hip, underneath the tee I had on to settle inside the band of my panties. It was a lazy, possessive gesture that he didn’t seem bothered to be doing in front of Kiera.
Kiera, who was struck dumb and currently staring at Kane. Ogling at him would be a better descriptive. Ogling at him standing in his underwear.
It was a sight; I’d give her that.
“She’s been busy with work,” he explained, rubbing my hip bone with his thumb. “And when she wasn’t busy with work,Ikept her busy.”
Kane made no effort to keep the innuendo out of his tone.
Kiera blushed.
Kiera. The woman who talked about every kind of kink under the sun in mixed company, who was not ashamed of her sexuality.
“Well,” she huffed out, the wind quite obviously out of her sails. I waited for her to say more, but she didn’t, she just kept staring.
“How about I get dressed and go get us all coffees and pastries? Give you two the time to discuss, what was it? Length, girth and preferred position?” he asked, teasing in his tone.
“Caramel latte, oat milk, four shots,” Kiera said without missing a beat. “And some kind of chocolate pastry thing. I have a feeling this conversation requires sugar, caffeine and maybe a defibrillator.” She winked at me before sauntering through the door.
“Nice ass!” she called back at Kane.
“I like her,” Kane murmured into my hair as he pulled me into his heat.
Despite the strangeness of the situation, I found myself relaxing into his embrace.
“You don’t have to go get coffee,” I told him. “You can just … go.” I was giving him the escape hatch I sensed he might desire. None of my previous partners had liked Kiera. And though I adored her, she was a lot. Especially at six in the morning.Maybe closer to the truth was I didn’t want Kiera to see this and ask questions I’d been ignoring.
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me, Chef?” Kane pulled me back to arm’s length. “I ain’t going anywhere. Mostly because I haven’t gotten my fill of you this morning, and also ’cause I’m looking forward to drinking coffee with you and your friend and grilling her for all the information.”
He kissed me. Firm. Open-mouthed. Tongues. Like my best friend wasn’t right there in the living room.
I kissed him back.
Then he let me go and walked back into my bedroom.
“Girlfriend, watching that almost gavemean orgasm,” Kiera pretended to fan herself before sitting back on the sofa and crossing her legs.
She was grinning, making no qualms about the fact that she’d been watching.
“I’m officially not mad at you anymore,” she announced as she patted my sofa. “Now get your ass over here and give me every goddamn detail.”