Page 81 of Captive Souls
I did as he asked, resting my forearms on the sofa, tilting myself up to him. He didn’t make a sound as he approached me from behind.
My knees trembled when he didn’t touch me right away, his penetrating gaze falling upon the part of me I was exposing to him. Presenting to him.
A single finger trailed down my spine, and I shuddered with pleasure.
It slid down my lower back to my ass, delving into the sensitive, forbidden area.
My teeth sank into my bottom lip as he teased that entrance.
“I’ll be taking every hole you have, Petal.”
My insides lurched at how coarse and crude and brilliant those words were. I’d never done … that before. I’d been with sensitive, missionary men, after all. And I had convinced myself I didn’t want to venture anywhere beyond that.
But I ached for Knox to take me there, even if it scared me just a little. Especially because he scared me a lot.
His fingers resumed their journey to where I was weeping for him, spreading my lubrication up and down.
My body was shaking, already on the edge of orgasm, nervous expectation pulsating through me. Was he going to take me there … now?
His hands bit into my hips as I forced myself to relax, his cock pressing into my entrance. Again, he teased it back-and-forth with a restraint that I hadn’t thought he possessed. I could feel his vicious need to claim me painted in the air.
His grip tightened, and I braced myself, ready for whatever intrusion he dictated.
He slammed into my pussy so hard I saw stars and almost instantly came. I would’ve, if he kept moving. But he remained still, fully seated, grasping my hips, taunting me.
He bent over, his lips at the back of my neck.
“Will you let me take your ass, Petal?” he asked in a menacing whisper.
“Yes,” I cried without hesitation.
I felt his smile as he stayed there, completely filling me, holding me on the edge of orgasm.
Then he was moving, slamming in and out, brutally, painfully, perfectly. I came apart, barely able to comprehend that he was still moving, still fucking me into a second orgasm.
His hands tightened at my hips as he let out a low roar and emptied himself into me. My body shuddered with his pleasure, enjoying every stroke he gave me.
We stayed like that for a while, me clutching the sofa for dear life, Knox still inside me, grip not slackening any.
“Was that as good as you imagined?” His deep voice punctured the thick cloud of satisfaction I was covered in.
I turned around to smile at him, sweat making my hair stick to the side of my head. He was the picture of perfection,glistening with perspiration of his own, hair mussed and his electric gaze on me.
“With you, I cannot imagine the amount of goodness you can make me feel,” I whispered, as close as I could be to admitting it.
That I loved him.
Because I was too cowardly to say it out loud. Even with everything Knox had given me, something in my soul told me he’d never say those words to me.
And though I couldn’t have imagined how the warmth of this new dynamic would make me feel, that realization kept a chill in a place the sun could never touch.
She went out for a run.
I wanted to follow her. No, first I wanted to chain her to the fucking bed and refuse tolether go out running. Not out in the woods where a rogue tree trunk could trip her and make her snap her fucking neck. The exertion of the run could give her a heart attack. She’d had cancer for fuck’s sake.