Page 23 of Cold Winter Nights
“He already has plans.” Stone muttered then closed his door on their protest.
“But it’s spaghetti and meatballs night!” she hollered through the heavy wood.
He could hear their annoying cackles as they walked away. If those two hadn’t been his mother’s best friends, he would’ve given them a piece of his mind.
Stone pushed his fingers into his throbbing temples as he leaned back against the door.
Royal walked towards him, not stopping until they were joined again.
“They were harmless,” he whispered, brushing his satiny cheek alongside his beard.
It felt so damn good he wanted to groan. His beard had always been one of his most sensitive areas.
Stone closed his eyes and enjoyed it.
“Harmless is the last thing they are,” he rumbled, gripping Royal’s lean hips and pulling him tighter to him. “Don’t be surprised if a description of our kiss makes the front page of theWindeville Observer.”
Royal chuckled. “I don’t mind if you don’t.”
“I don’t.” Stone said with seriousness.
Royal hummed, his smile fading as he tilted his head higher, begging silently.
Stone gave him what he wanted, what theybothwanted.
He slanted his mouth over Royal’s and delved inside, feeling a preamble was no longer needed. Their kiss was urgent but still so tender, their mouths fitting into place like two pieces of a puzzle.
Royal melted into him and he held Stone’s face as he weaved his smooth fingertips through his beard, and it was all it’d taken to be his undoing.
A rush of warmth flooded his body and grew into a wildfire that slammed into his balls. His hardening dick nudged Royal’s abdomen, unable to stop himself from chasing that rush of release.
Royal moaned into his mouth, and fuck it tasted as sweet as he knew it would.
Stone wanted to back Royal up and slam his body onto the nearest flat surface and spread him wide open. But despite his hunger and the many years he’d gone without, he wouldn’t treat Royal as if he wasn’t worth more than a quick rut.
He stilled his hips, then gripped Royal’s to stop his. The feel of his cock stabbing into his thigh made it almost impossible, but he’d done it.
“Don’t, Stone. Don’t stop.”
Fuuuck me.Stone groaned so long and loud it made his throat sore. He wasn’t used to begging, no man had craved him as much as Royal was doing right then.
“Trust me, I’m not stopping, beautiful,” he growled. “Just pausing.”
Their breaths were ragged, as they rested their foreheads against each other’s, their noses brushing.
Royal framed Stone’s face with his hands, and he couldn’t resist placing a tender kiss in one of his palms. He’d never felt hands that tender in all his life.
“This is all new to me,” Royal confessed, his voice sounding light and full of amazement. “I’m not one to let my feelings get the better of me. I’ve always been about business, and I thought nothing else in life mattered.”
Stone closed his eyes as Royal ran his hands over his scruffy cheeks, igniting erotic sensations that only made his cock scream for him to go back to thrusting.
“But you…” Royal exhaled. “You make me want, Stone.”
Stone grunted as Royal wrapped his arms around him and pulled him into a hug so tight it took his breath.
“My nights were always so lonely and cold,” he sighed, sounding exhausted. “I thought I was okay with it. But I’m not.”
“I know,” he agreed hoarsely. “Believe me, I know.”