Page 25 of Cold Winter Nights
He stopped, swallowing hard. The years of solitude, the hard work, the absence of love all had left their mark.
Royal’s expression relaxed, a sweet slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. His eyes were focused on his and Stone believed he saw a flash of appreciation and understanding.
“Bo,” Royal said under his breath, as if testing the name on his tongue to see if it fit. “I like that a lot. Bo suits you.”
Stone was usure what to do with the warmth spreading through his chest.
“I’m really glad you ended up here, Royal.”
Royal’s smile was so sexy and easy.
“I’m glad too, Bo. Goodnight,” he said on a gentle breath.
“I’ll see you soon,” Stone replied as he slowly backed away, not taking his eyes off Royal until he had to turn and go down the stairs.
Stone was looking forward to Royal not seeing him as the big, gruff mute everyone else did. And that every time Royalcalled out to him, he wasn’t reminded of the weight he’d carried around for eight long years.
He would only know…Bo.
“Chop those just a little smaller, Royal,” Myra instructed while she stirred a big pot of liquid that’d been simmering for hours.
“Okay,” he acknowledged, gripping the knife so tight, his knuckles were white.
Royal was sitting on a stool at the large food prep table in the bed and breakfast’s kitchen. When he wasn’t in his room watching television, or reading his book in the lobby, he liked to watch Myra in her element. It was fascinating to watch her cook.
Every now and then she’d give him a menial task, like cutting celery or carrots for stews, that would end up keeping him busy for hours.
He’d been surprised to hear that Myra didn’t only cook for the guests—which was still only him—but she provided meals for the elderly and people in town who were sick. She also made hot meals every Sunday for a homeless shelter in Glissfield. Her son, Roderick would pick them up and drive an hour and a half to deliver them for her.
Ever since Royal had learned that he’d been thinking of volunteering to help Roderick out, maybe give him a Sunday off and make the run for him. The thought of charity work made Royal feel good. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d done a selfless act.
“So, Royal.” Myra sang, not taking her eyes off her pot, “I ran into Aimee and Edna at the hair salon and they sure had a whole lot to say about a little scene they walked in on when they went to Stone’s shop.”
Royal could feel the heat rising up his neck. “I’m sure they did,” he muttered.
“I knew there was something up between you two.” She laughed. “Stone is a creature of habit. He sticks to his routine no matter how hard anyone tries to convince him to do otherwise.”
Royal knew all about Stone’s labels.
Myra went in the walk-in pantry and came back out with some to-go containers.
“But the moment he changed his mind about taking his dinner home and accepted your invitation to eat with you…I knew something was up. And then when he hugged you—
Royal snapped his head up, eyes wide, his temperature rising twenty degrees.
“That was private!”
Myra threw her hands up. “I wasn’t spying or nothing. I had just come out to see if you two needed refills, and the moment I saw you two all hugged up, I turned right back around.”
Royal narrowed his eyes.
“I swear it,” she exclaimed, with a cheeky smirk. “I’m not Aimee or Edna. I mind my own business. I do.”
“Mmhm,” Royal scoffed.
“Personally, I think it’s wonderful you’re getting him to loosen up. Stone has the exact characteristics of his name. He’s emotionless and rigid to a fault.”