Page 27 of Cold Winter Nights
Royal let his book fall to his lap, unable to concentrate. Ever since he’d dropped the lunches off at the city hall building, his mind had been in overdrive.
While he’d been walking through the building, checking out the plaques, photos, the history of the town, and especially the woodwork by Stone Carvings from many generations ago, he’d overheard the muffled voices of people attending the town meeting.
Royal’s background was corporate finance, so town operations were something he didn’t know much about, yet he’d found himself intrigued by the hum of small-town politics.
Despite his lack of knowledge of city budgets and festival logistics, he couldn’t help thinking that the projections he’d seen on a white board when he’d peeked inside were a little imbalanced.
Ticket sales, sponsorships, and all of the overhead costs were quite top-heavy, but…
Royal ground his teeth and tossed his book onto the bed. He picked up the remote control, needing a better distraction.
This wasn’t his problem.
Royal’s phone buzzed, the sound unfamiliar. He almost didn’t know what it was as he looked around his room before he realized he had a text.
Unknown:I saw you walking into the city hall building. Damn, you looked good. It’s no wonder these folks can’t stop talking about you.
Royal’s cheeks hurt from smiling so wide.
He saved the number in his phone and pressed his tongue in his cheek as he began to type a response.
Royal:Care to tell me how you got this number? I don’t remember you asking me for it.
Royal hoped Stone was feeling as light in his spirit as he was.
Bo:When it comes to you Royal…I get what I want.
He almost tapped the green receiver to call Stone, wanting to hear that statement rumbled in that husky voice. The thought made Royal’s stomach flutter, churning the chicken pot pie he just ate.
Bo:Myra already got you doing community service, huh?
Royal:I volunteered. I needed to go back to the bookstore anyway. I wish I had seen you…
Royal wanted to say he missed Stone, but it felt too soon to confess that.
Bo:Festival preparations are crazy. Lots of work, I’m beat. I’m glad Fridays almost here and I’ll have some quiet time with you.
Royal reclined all the way on his pillow, one hand holding the phone, while the other slid down his stomach.
Royal:Quiet time?
Bo:Well, I don’t mean silence…there will be sounds being made.
Royal groaned and eased his hand down further, his cock untouched and pulsing.
Royal:What exactly do you plan on doing with me, Bo?
Bo:If I told you, I might scare you.
Royal:I’m not easily frightened.
Bo:Good, because I have all kinds of ideas.
Royal:You’re making me fuckin hot, Bo. That’s not fair
Bo:How hot…
Royal started a slow stroke on his length. It was so intense, and it had been so damn long his back was arching after only seconds.