Page 38 of Cold Winter Nights
The thought of letting go of the stress and worry and allowing someone else to take control felt foreign and strange.
Stone exhaled a heavy breath. “I’ll try to rest, I just don’t know if I can.”
The wind fluctuated from an unrelenting cry to shrill whistles. It was the kind of mighty rush of air that bent trees and sent debris flying.
“I’m not used to…”
Royal winked, his smile so serene and convincing. “You don’t have to be. I’m learning it’s all right not to have everything figured out or do it alone. I’m not going anywhere, Bo. I promise.”
Those words seeped into him, quiet and insistent, and Stone did just that, he allowed Royal’s assurance to sink inside.
“Come on, trust me.”
Stone scanned Royal’s face, searching for any sign of insincerity, but finding none. He nodded.
Royal’s eyes gleamed, quiet victory in his light brown eyes. He pulled Stone towards the bed, away from the madness looming outside and stripped him out of his lounge clothes.
“Lie down.” Royal’s voice was barely audible. “I’ll get the fire restarted.”
“That’s okay, I can do—”
Royal put his hand on his chest, the touch hot and searing as he pushed him until his ass hit the mattress.
“I saidlay down,” Royal ordered, his insistence laced with compassion.
Royal got the fire roaring while Stone pulled back the heavy blanket and got under the covers. When Royal was done and the room was already warming up he stripped out of his clothes and Stone lifted the covers in invitation.
The moment Royal climbed in and settled his delicate body on top of his, the worry fled from him like the sun chasing dark clouds away.
Stone closed his eyes as Royal ran his soft hands over his tight shoulders. His touch alternated from light and soothing to a firm tension-melting massage.
Stone gripped Royal’s hips while he gyrated over his pelvis, grounding his ass on his cock. There was a hypnotic magic to Royal’s way of comfort.
Stone arched his neck as Royal bent over him and licked a long path over his throat before he nuzzled his beard.
Their moans blended like a sensual song.
Every caress felt as if Royal was infusing his peaceful energy into him.
It was only minutes before Royal had lured his mind and body into deep tranquility.
Stone was so lost to the sensations that when Royal gripped their erections in both hands and began to stroke them with slow pulls, any thoughts of impending danger faded from his mind.
“Fuck, Royal,” he groaned.
“I only want to make you feel good, Bo,” Royal whispered, tightening his grip. “Let me give you that.”
Stone nodded, his teeth clenched as the pleasure became so much, so fast. Royal’s voice, his touch, his declarations were everything he’d needed.
He stared at their cocks pressed together, thrusting harder, chasing that goodness Royal was promising him.
“Yes,” Royal hissed, throwing his head back as the first gush of warmth hit Stone’s chest.
Stone toppled over the edge after him, their seed mingling across his abdomen and over Royal’s hands as his strokes slowed to an erratic crawl.
Stone began slip towards a peaceful slumber after his second orgasm. The last thing he remembered wasn’t the roaring of the storm, or the blistering cold through the unseen cracks in his cabin walls, or the thoughts of his town, but the warm wash gliding over his abdomen and the comfort of Royal’s arms wrapped tightly around him as he slept through the night.