Page 58 of Goddess of Light
But I am a selfish God.
I let out a ragged sigh, my heart water-logged. Sitting alone in my room isn’t going to help anything. I can’t hide from my wife. It’s my job to make her remember she’s my queen.
I get up and leave the room, about to head up the stairs, when I run into Lovia.
“Where is Hanna?” I ask.
“In Louhi’s room,” she says. “I drew a bath for myself but decided she should have it. I have soldiers to take care of.”
I nod, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “You don’t mind, then, if I take a moment to talk to her?”
“Take all the time you need, father. I’ll handle everyone else,” she says before she hesitates. “She remembers some things, but it’s like she’s remembering a book she read. It doesn’t mean anything to her.” She gives me a quick smile. “I know this is out of your skillset, but you should try and win her over.”
Then, she runs off down the hall.
I grumble to myself. I know how to win people over. I know I won Hanna over at one point.
Sex, I think.It was the sex.
Well, perhaps that’s not off the table.
I climb the winding stairs to Louhi’s room. Aside from pilfering it for clothes and other necessary items, no one has been using it. It feels too close to evil, like we’re cursed for even stepping inside.
I knock on the door, and Hanna’s firm response tells me to enter.
I open it and poke my head inside. She’s standing by a broken window, snow flying in and coating her black dress like stars, her hair, darker now but not quite her natural color, blowing back from the wind.
I stop and stare at her, feeling dumbfounded by her grace, her power, her overwhelming beauty. There’s a faint aura around her, a glow that shifts from pink to gold to copper like a sunset, and it only adds to her divinity.
“May I come in?” I ask. My voice comes out gruff, annoyed I have to ask, and I make a note to soften it.
But Hanna only nods, not affected at all.
I step inside the room, closing the door behind me. With my back to her, I close my eyes for a moment, breathing deeply through my nose. I need to compose myself; I feel too unmoored, like I don’t know how to act around her.
When I turn back around, she’s staring at me curiously.
“Lovia drew me a bath, but I don’t feel like being still,” she says. “Would you like to take it?”
“Perhaps some other time,” I say, though I definitely need one after that battle.
“Very well,” she says as she motions to her gown. “Do you like the dress?”
It’s such a normal question, I can’t help but laugh.
“The dress?” I repeat, looking her up and down. It doesn’t even look like Louhi’s when it’s on her. “You look good in everything, fairy girl.”
She frowns and slowly walks toward me, her hands clasped at her middle. “Fairy girl?”
“One of my nicknames for you, only you turned out to be more than a fairy, didn’t you? A true Goddess of the Sun. I should have seen it coming.”
“Oh? How so?”
I walk across the room toward her, stopping a foot away, unsure if I should touch her or not.
“Because you’ve always been such a clever, stunning creature. Doesn’t hurt that you look like a fairy with those big eyes and your ears that stick out a little.”
At that, she touches her ears with her fingers, not insulted, but curious.