Page 82 of Goddess of Light
“I’m talking a union of unearthly delight for you.”
Well, that sounds like it could be sex.
“You have an awfully high opinion of yourself,” I mutter.
“As I should,” he goes on.
“Alright.” I clear my throat, my curiosity getting the best of me. “If that’s what I get out of it, what do you?”
“I told you before—it’s important for me. Being inside you, wholly and completely, will let me feel what it’s like to be you. You will give me my much-needed humanity.”
“You sound like Hanna,” I comment.
“We aren’t too dissimilar,” he says. “But I am searching for something that will help me in the end. You have morals, Lovia. You are a great judge of character.”
“So are you. You’ve been the real judge, the one dealing the cards to the newly dead all this time.”
“It’s not the same. There is no love in that. You hold love, Lovia. I want to know what that feels like.”
But I don’t know if I love you, I think to myself.Can you love the universe?
“It’s not about loving me,” he says, reading my thoughts. “It’s about love. Youarelove. I must know what it tastes like. I want to hold your humanity in each and every star.”
“And it helps me how?”
“As I said…”
“Right. The union of unearthly delight.”
Silence falls between us again while I think it over.
Honestly, at this point, I’m so exhausted, my heart so heavy from grief, my mind so fraught with worry over what’s to come, that spending some time with the Magician in this way might be the distraction I need.
“Alright,” I whisper. “How do I do this?”
“Like this,” he says, and, suddenly, his voice is right in front of me.
I feel his hands on my face as his petrichor scent fills my nose, blossoming inside me before he presses his lips to mine.
Like the kiss before, it envelopes me like a cloud, my breath trembling as his tongue sweeps against mine. Desire rockets to my core, butterflies unleashed in my belly, and I reach for him, surprised when it makes contact with his form.
I open my eyes, and I can’t see him at all. It’s all just an endless black void speckled with stars and the occasional galaxy that flies past, but I can feel him. My fingers dig into his strong shoulders, run down the muscled length of his arms, down across his rigid abs.
What is happening? I think.Is this what he really feels like or what I want him to feel like?
“I’m arranging myself for you, to be what you want, to be what fits you best,” he says, his voice now a whispered echo in the dark. “Does it please you?”
I can’t help but laugh, staring into the infinite universe as my hands go lower until they feel what can only be his cock. I gasp at the feel of it, hard, long, and cool, reveling in the detail.
“Does that feel good?” I whisper, suddenly overpowered by the need for him to feel good. My ego craves the idea of being the one to make the universe see stars in a truly different way.
“It feels good to me because it feels good to you. Now, lie back.”
I feel his hands around me, pushing me back to the ground.
Except, there is no ground.
There is nothing behind me.