Page 2 of A Stolen Christmas
“Are you even listening to me, you asshole?”
“I was waiting for you to shut the fuck up so I could get a word in edgeways. When is she leaving, and does she have a lawyer lined up?”
“I don't know when she is leaving, but she said she was speaking to a lawyer tomorrow,” he whined.
“How many times have you let her down?” I asked with a frown.
I knew he was in deep shit before we left the office tonight, but I didn't realise his marriage had reached this point. When he didn't reply, I knew it must have been bad. He was in the office before I got in and most of the time there when I left for the day.
“We negotiate all the time when it comes to business. What does she want?” I said.
“I’m not sure,” he said sullenly.
“You've known this woman for over six years. You have lived with her and slept in the same bed as her, bro. Where has your head been?”
I beat the eggs together and waited for a reply.
“It’s bad. I've never seen her this upset. She doesn't love me anymore,” he said as he choked up.
“Did she say that?”
“No, but she didn't need to,” he said shakily. “I can't lose her.”
“You don't know what she wants, and you're not certain if she loves you—”
“No need to rub it in, dickhead,” he snapped at me, making me smile because anger was better than tears.
“I was stating facts. If you want to keep her, you have to fight for your marriage,” I said as I put my rinsed and diced vegetables into the pan. “I will come over in the morning. Don't worry about the office. I will catch up with Gloria and pick up anything important.”
All I needed was to be close to Kat’s phone, and my gormless brother would know everything he needed to know about his wife as well as the impending divorce.
“Thanks, Saul,” he said, making me pause because he sounded broken and defeated in a way I’d never heard before.
“Everything is going to work out, Seth. Try not to worry,” I said gruffly.
When we said our goodbyes and hung up, I couldn't stop thinking about how happy they had been together. Katya was beautiful, not only on the outside but on the inside. She was warm and genuine. They were made for one another. Her calm nature complimented Seth’s more neurotic behaviour.
I was confused because she only ever had eyes for Seth. She always seemed wary around me, but I put that down to the lies my brother told her so she didn't fall in love with me. I felt guilt creep up, and it took me a few moments to realise why.
I’d always been jealous of Seth meeting and instantly falling in love with Katya. Their wedding was sickening at how soppy they had both become. The years that followed weren't any better. They were constantly touching or kissing. I might have given them the evil eye more than once, but I never wanted them to get a divorce.
I needed to help my brother so he didn't break down. The man loved a rigid anal routine, and the most significant part of his life was leaving him. I poured the eggs into the pan. This whole mess brought out the changes I would need to make because the envious sentiment toward my flesh and blood was not who I wanted to be going forward.
I stabbed the button for my floor as soon as I got into the elevator when a woman began to run towards the lift.
“Hold the doors, hold the doors,” she said, waving her hands, but I stabbed the button again to close them.
I didn't want everyone at work to see my swollen red eye. Hopefully, my secretary had some make-up I could use. The woman shoved her arm between the doors until they jammed and began to open. I dipped my head down and moved back.
“Thanks for nothing,” she barked at me.
I glanced up while keeping my head dipped down to see her fierce glare. She literally took my breath away. Her eyes were a warm pool of amber-brown with a hint of green surrounding them. She had a mass of curly black hair surrounding her face. I had no idea curls could reach such heights.
Her nostrils were flared, and her pink, glossy lips were pursed together. Her complexion was golden brown, but the healthy glow over her cheeks made her shine as bright as a mixture of gold and copper.
I wanted to look up and inspect her fully, but when she began to rummage around in her bag, I saw the rings on her finger. Fury burned the pit of my stomach. I glanced at the employee swipe card for the insurance company in the building. There was the company logo and her name.