Page 12 of Sinner's Malice
Now, if they had tagged along to save the other sex, then they had every right to be worried, because I’d already thought of several ways to kill that motherfucker without leaving my spot.
“Malice, why don’t you come and sit down with us?” Tessa kindly asked. “We can all see her from here.”
Ignoring the woman, I leaned against the wall again instead.
I wasn’t moving from my position. I had the perfect view of the entire club. It was strategically the best place in the club to see her and all the threats to her. Plus, if need be, I could easily jump the rails and get to her before the fucker did anything stupid.
Mercy and Largo walked up the stairs, then sat on the sofa next to Montana and Tessa.
Out of breath, Largo sighed.
“I don’t know how she does it. My feet are killing me.”
“Youth has its perks.” Tessa chuckled, leaning against Montana.
“Silver isn’t much younger than either of us, Tess,” Largo countered.
“Physically, yes, but mentally, she is a young woman in the prime of her life. Just remember, Silver never got the chance to cut loose and have fun like we all did. Now that there is nothing confining her to the clubhouse, she is going to want to spread her wings and see what the world has waiting for her,” Torment logically informed us, before leaning back on the sofa, watching Silver dance with the jerk, with a frown on his face.
In fact, all my brothers didn’t look happy.
“Are you telling me I’m going to have to threaten every fucknut she dates with death if they so much as lay a hand on her?” Montana grumbled and the brothers nodded animatedly.
I knew Montana cared about Silver. He treated her like a little sister. The second he brought her into the club, he decreed she was off-limits, and that if anyone so much as even looked at her funny, he would rip their dicks off and shove it up their asses before putting a bullet in their heads.
I agreed with that decree wholeheartedly.
Torment leaned forward in his seat and frowned again.
“No. What I am saying is that things are about to get very interesting where Silver is concerned. We all care about her. She is ours. Has been ever since she showed up. We all want the best for her. Brothers, we are all walking into uncharted territory. Brace yourselves ‘cause shit is about to get fun.”
The second the words left his mouth, I stiffened.
The motherfucker she was dancing with grabbed her ass, and I was over the banister, barreling towards the dead man, before my brothers could even get to their feet.
The second she saw me, her eyes widened, and she pushed the fucknut away from her and turned to face me.
Like that would save him.
He was a dead man walking.
Holding up her hand, she stopped me dead in my tracks.
“No,” she whispered.
Scowling, I refused to look at her.
I wanted my hands wrapped around that fucknut’s neck.
I wanted to watch the life drain from his eyes.
I wanted to rip his body limb from limb.
I wanted to kill him.
“Please don’t,” she implored.
Looking down at her, I snarled, “If you fucking kiss him, I will kill him.”