Page 34 of Sinner's Malice
“Word on the street is you’re a hunted man. Gotta say, man. Not gonna ask what you did to piss off the Sinners. If I were you, I’d take this cash and get the fuck out of this city as fast as you can.”
Saying nothing, I watched as he pushed thirty thousand dollars toward me. Reaching for the money, Jimmy slapped his hand over the cash, stopping me.
“Known you for years, Malice. You need anything. Call.”
Nodding, Jimmy removed his hand, allowing me to gather up the stacks of cash. Placing them in the many pockets of my jacket, I looked at my old friend and said, “Give me two hours before you call them.”
Standing, Jimmy extended his hand.
Taking it, he said, “Good luck, brother.”
“Where can I find Sin?”
“Brother, no,” Jimmy groaned, plopping back down into his seat. “Sin’s a changed man. He ain’t the brother you remember.”
Jimmy shook his head and muttered, “Just bought a house on the upper east side. Bought the whole fucking block. Can’t miss it. Just look for the area with all the fucking goons dressed in black milling around.”
Heading for the door, I uttered my thanks.
“Malice,” Jimmy called out. “Be careful. Sin’s gone dark, like really fucking dark. After Thena died, brother hasn’t been the same.”
Like I gave a fuck.
Sin owed me a debt, and I planned on collecting.
Not even an hour later, I got out of a cab and looked around me.
Shaking my head, I should have known.
Motherfucker would not make it easy to get to him.
“Stop right there.” A big black man in a dark suit held up his hand. “This street is off-limits. Go back the way you came.”
“Need to speak with Sin.”
“Do you have an appointment?”
Glaring at the man, I turned to the side, and reached for the collar of my shirt, pulling it down, showing him the scar on my right shoulder blade. “Get him. Now.”
The man frowned, holding up his hand to his ear.
“Got a scary-looking motherfucker wanting to speak with the boss. Yeah, I told him. He’s got the mark, man. What the fuck do you want me to do? Yeah. Alright.”
The big man looked at me, stepping to the side.
“Boss will meet you at the door.”
Saying nothing more, I walked past the guy and several others. I glared seeing the front doors open and the man himself step out to greet me. Motherfucker hadn’t changed one damn bit.
The man standing on his stoop smirked.
Taunting me.
Standing close to six foot eight, Sin was everything his name implied. With broad muscular shoulders, he exuded a power unlike anything I’d ever seen. His dominant stature stood firm, demanding obedience. His deceptive devil-blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he slowly and methodically let his gaze roamfrom the top of my head to the tip of my dirty boots. Dressed in a beautifully tailored three-piece suit, the dark expensive cloth did nothing to disguise the devil that lurked beneath.
“You look awful, brother.”