Page 51 of Sinner's Malice
He wasn’t always the nicest man, but I knew he cared about me, and that was all that mattered.
Too bad right now he wasn’t listening to anyone and acting like a dick. I got he was upset, but it was my life.
My choice.
And I chose Malice.
Refusing to stay couped up like an errant child, I flung open my bedroom door and walked out. I was too fucking old to be grounded, and Malice could kiss my ass.
I wasn’t a fucking dog.
Chapter Twelve
Sitting in my spot, I watched as my brothers all filed into the boardroom. Not a single one of them said a damn word. Not that I expected them to. The funny thing was, they were ignoring Montana too. It was odd. Montana sat at the head of the table while I was at the other end. The brothers in the middle. None technically on either side, but all waiting, watching the both of us intently, almost like they were sitting at some tennis match and it was the last set. Everyone held their breath, waiting to see who would emerge victorious.
My brother Payne pulled out his chair, plopping down next to me, placing an apple before me.
“Thought you might want one.”
I looked at the piece of fruit and grimaced.
While I was hungry, I didn’t want one.
I thought it odd, since apples were my snack of choice.
Frowning, I ignored the offending fruit and said nothing as I glared at Torment. The brother was on thin ice with me with that stunt he’d just pulled. I didn’t want nor need his help.
I was more than capable of handling Montana all on my own.
With all the brothers seated, Mercy looked at Montana, who sat fuming at the other end of the table, shooting daggers at me. I got he was angry at me for what I did. I was angry too, but thedeed was done. Arianwen was mine and there was nothing he could do or say to change that fact.
“Are we just going to sit here and say nothing? Because I’ve got more important shit to tend to than dealing with you two,” Storm spoke up when no one else did.
And that was all it took.
“I WANT HIS MOTHERFUCKING BRAND!” Montana shouted, jumping to his feet, gesticulating like a madman.
Mercy sighed. “It’s not that easy, Montana.”
“The fuck it isn’t!” the uncontrollable blockhead yelled. “Malice went against my direct order. I have every right, and I demand that all of you back me up on this.”
“You can’t touch him,” Torment clearly said.
“You shut up!” Montana rounded on Torment. “You don’t have the right to tell me what to do. I am the motherfucking president of this club. I don’t give a flying fuck if you agree with my orders, but I expect you to follow them. And throwing down your marker to save that asshole doesn’t mean I have to enforce shit!”
“It’s club law, Montana.” Mercy groaned, rubbing his forehead. “You can’t change the rules just because they don’t benefit you. Torment may use his one and only marker for whatever he deems necessary.”
“Not if I take his brand too!”
Mercy rolled his eyes. “That’s your plan? You are going to take everyone’s brand if they don’t agree with you?”
Mercy sighed. “Jesus fuck. Will you shut the hell up and sit the fuck down? We can discuss Malice and Silver later. Right now, I want to know why the fuck we are all here on a Saturday. What was so fucking important that you called for a board meeting?”
“I would like to know that too,” Fury added.