Page 73 of Sinner's Malice
“I do not!”
“Yes, you do!” the entire room shouted.
The second we left The Playground, Malice and Torment got a text from Montana demanding they return to the clubhouse. While I wasn’t in the mood to deal with another Montana tantrum, neither man really had a choice.
Malice had been silent ever since we left the Playground, and I had a strong feeling that he had no intention of speaking anytime soon. Not with everyone around. The man had many qualities and characteristics, but being forthcoming with his words was not among them. Instead, he was back to his gruffstandard way of communication, which was composed of several grunts, growls, huffs, and puffs.
“Silver, when we’re done here, I’m going to need you to go see Bane and let him draw your blood.”
Looking up at the man, I frowned. “Why?”
Montana quickly looked at Malice, who shrugged but said nothing before Montana stated, “Just club policy.”
“Again,” I slowly said, leaning forward in my seat. “Why?”
Tessa and Largo chuckled.
“Because Malice claimed you. We need to make sure you are okay.”
“Easy. I’ll sign a medical release. My doctor will send Bane whatever he needs.”
Montana shook his head. “Need fresh blood for the club database.”
Crossing my arms over my chest, I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. The way he glanced around nervously hinted that he was up to something. There was a piece of information he was withholding from me, something he didn’t want me to find out.
Well, two could play that game.
Malice leaned back in his chair and groaned. “You won’t win. Just fucking tell her.”
“Tell me what?”
When Montana didn’t speak up fast enough, Malice groaned again. “There’s a low probability Bane might be your dad.”
Excuse me?
My dad?
I didn’t have a dad. Never knew the man. Whenever I dared to ask my mother about him, she would unleash her bitterness, describing him as a pathetic, drunken soul that nobody bothered to acknowledge, emphasizing that I should consider myself fortunate he wasn’t present.
It was quite amusing to witness Montana standing there in complete silence, resembling the quietness of the dead, especially since he was notorious for never holding back his thoughts on any subject. However, when everyone else kept quiet, I slowly got to my feet and sneered, “You mean to tell me that all of you knew about this and didn’t tell me?”
Largo held up her hand. “In their defense, you took off before they could say anything.”
“It’s my fault, Silver,” Pippen spoke up. “I dropped the bomb in church. I thought they already knew.”
“But how did you learn about this?”
Pippen looked at Malice, who said nothing.
“From my brother, Silas.”
“Does Bane know?” I fumed, looking at the brothers.
“Been drunk ever since,” Payne informed. “Though he keeps drinking like he is now, and he won’t remember shit.”
“Arianwen, what can you remember about your mother?” Montana asked.