Page 77 of Sinner's Malice
“Passed out drunk. So is Bane.”
“Did you get the blood samples?” I asked.
Tessa nodded. “Yes, and also from Mr. Sinclair. I had them couriered to the club’s upstate facility. They will call me personally when they have the results.”
“Thank you, Tess.”
My woman nodded and left.
Leaning back in my chair, I rubbed my hands down my face before I looked at the man at the other end of the table. When Malice lost his shit and none of us could get through to him, it was Torment who called Sinclair. While I still didn’t trust the fucker and hated having him in my clubhouse, he was the only person with the answers I needed.
“What can I expect next?”
Crispin Sinclair said nothing for the longest time. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking, or if he would even help. Yet, when he leaned back in his chair and loosened his tie, something told me that what he was about to say would not be good.
“Dante,” Sinclair said, looking at the club’s intern. “Would you please leave the room?”
Pippen sat up straighter as his head whipped to mine.
When I nodded, the kid got up and left, closing the door behind him.
“I apologize for that. There are things Silas does not want his brother to know. I hope you understand.”
“Get on with it,” I clipped.
“There were five of us in the beginning,” Sinclair began. “All products of the Trick Pony. In a way, like you, we were a family. A highly dysfunctional family, but a family, nonetheless. During our time at the Trick Pony, we all suffered our own hell, but none more so than Gideon. He was the product of Devlin Scott. The most hated man on the planet. For years, Gideon tried to end that man and always failed, and Devlin Scott punished him horrendously for it.”
“Why?” Fury asked.
Sinclair looked at Fury and replied, “Because he failed. You must understand that Gideon is the product of the Devil himself. Devlin Scott never wanted a son. Sons were nothing but inconsequential byproducts that he enjoyed tormenting like rabid dogs for his amusement.”
“What did that fucker do to Malice?” I asked point blank.
“Everything you can imagine and more.”
Torment leaned forward. “Mercy, kill the cameras, please.”
Mercy didn’t ask but did as Torment requested, and he reached for his phone. In the next second, the glass windows frosted and the room went dark.
“I am a licensed therapist. I love my job, and I’ve never broken my oath, so trust me when I say this. If any of you ever fucking repeat one damn word I’m about to say, I will invoke the Blood of a Sinner and demand that Montana remove your brand from your back.”
“Agreed,” I immediately said, looking at all my brothers, who all nodded. “Go ahead, Torment.”
“The morning after Malice claimed Silver, he came to me. Confided in me. He called on my oath for doctor-patient privilege. I didn’t know why because he’s never been forthcoming with me before, but I agreed seeing how agitated he was. What he said that day still haunts me, and I know Malice only scratched the surface. Sinclair is right. Our brother has suffered unimaginable trauma. You all met his sister, Ivy. You all heard what Devlin Scott did to her. Without breaking Malice’s confidence, let me just say that what Devlin Scott did to Ivy was horrendous. What he did to Malice was much worse.”
“What do you mean?” Mercy asked.
“He means because Gideon was born a boy,” Sinclair spoke up. “Torment is right. Devlin Scott never wanted a son. He wanted daughters to further his legacy, if you will. However,when Gideon was born, Devlin Scott became enraged. He honestly believed that the beating he gave Gideon’s mother would ensure his demise. When it didn’t, he looked everywhere for his offspring and when he found Gideon, he enacted his revenge. The hate Devlin Scott felt for Gideon was immense. From beatings, torture, and rape, the man never relented. But when he made Gideon dress like a girl, pretend to be a girl, so he could find some relief from his failure, he marked Gideon in a way that still plagues him today.”
“Hold up,” I said, shaking my head. “You mean to tell me that sick son of a bitch dressed Malice up like a girl and fucking raped him all because he was born with a fucking dick?”
Sinclair nodded. “He did that and more. By forcing Gideon to be someone he wasn’t, Devlin Scott knowingly created a monster. A person who would always question his own identity, who would never know, understand, or accept love. Who would become anything, do anything for the approval of his master. For lack of a better phrase, Gideon is a perfectly trained dog.”
“It’s called Identity Disturbance,” Torment muttered. “Identity disturbance is an inconsistent or incoherent sense of self. It is closely associated withborderline personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder, as identity disturbance is one of the criteria for the condition. It often shows up as consistent and remarkable changes in a person’s beliefs, values, and behaviors that significantly impact their life, such as difficulty in maintaining jobs or, in Malice’s case, relationships. Think of it this way. Identity refers to your sense of self. Your identity is how you see yourself in the past, present, and future, and it is generally consistent over time.A strong sense of self helps you maintain relationships and commitments and behave in predictable and consistent ways. In Malice’s case, that didn’t happen. From the second he was born, Malice was taught and trained to deny his true self and become someone he wasn’t.”
“So, he’s fucked in the head like his sister, then?”
Torment sneered at me, “No, you fucking imbecile. He just doesn’t know who he is.”