Page 86 of Sinner's Malice
I fucking knew what I would do.
Gripping the bat firmly with both hands, I swung with all the strength I had, aiming for the bastard’s kneecaps.
Screams rang out all around me as I unleashed years of pent-up anger, with a fury I didn’t know I had in me.
I had just stepped into the clubhouse when I heard a woman scream bloody murder. Montana and the other brothers ran from their offices.
“What the fuck?!” Montana shouted as the screams got louder.
“The mailroom,” Payne whispered as we all ran down the stairs to find Sinclair leaning against the wall, watching intently at what was going on in the mailroom.
Walking over to him, he said nothing, just pointed into the room.
Turning slowly, I saw Torment sitting in a chair, watching as Silver beat a woman attached to my Saint Andrew’s cross.
“Who the fuck is that?” I barely heard Montana ask.
“Lucy McLaren.” Sinclair smirked as Silver swung the bat at the woman’s hip and she cried out.
Staring in disbelief, I muttered, “The cunt who raped and tormented me as a child.”
From the moment I escaped the Trick Pony, I vowed someday, somehow, I would find that bitch and make her pay for what she put me through. The nightmares I’d endured because of that bitch still plagued me to this day.
I couldn’t believe she was here.
In my mailroom.
Turning to Sin, I asked, “How?”
Adjusting his suit jacket, Sinclair looked at me and said, “Arianwen called and asked for a favor. I honored her request.”
“How did you find her?”
“You, of all people, know I can find anyone.”
The sound of metal whooshing in the air, quickly followed by the woman’s screams of anguish, had me turning to find Silver with a crowbar in her arms. Apparently, my woman decided to forgo the bat and move onto something with a bit more oomph.
My woman was relentless in her endeavors. Determined to extract the maximum amount of pain. I had to admit, Arianwen’s efforts impressed me. But when the cunt laughed, Arianwen growled, dropping the crowbar, reaching for a knife before she shoved it into the woman’s cunt, slicing upward and splitting her open. The bitch didn’t even flinch. The shock of her body being sliced apart was too much for her brain to register, the pain she experienced overriding everything being done to her.
“Fucking laugh now, bitch.”
Before any of us could stop her, Silver raised the knife in her hand and stabbed it right through the bitch’s eye, killing her.
Covered in blood, she took a step back, her body swaying with exhaustion as she slowly turned around. Her eyes found mine. She looked me dead in the eyes and said for all to hear, “They will never hurt us again.”
Before I could get to her, she collapsed on the floor.
Rushing to her, I picked her up, her tired and worn-out body a dead weight in my arms as I watched Torment stand.
“Don’t be angry with her. What she did, she did for you, Malice. Though, I think a part of her also did it for herself. I know you don’t think you need therapy, and I will not force you,but if Arianwen is any indication, you need to take the offered hand of help.”
Walking away, Torment said nothing else, leaving me there, standing in the middle of the mailroom with Arianwen in my arms.