Page 10 of Golden Atonement
Well, that wasn’t entirely true.
She did empty a clip into Reynolds.
I refused to believe it.
It wasn’t in her nature to be so vengeful.
“What the fuck are you saying, Montana?”
“Remi witnessed your supposed infidelity. She thinks she killed you and Wendy. She’s gone, Reaper.”
“Where the fuck is my wife?!”
“Somewhere safe,” Montana stated angrily. “And she will stay that way until we clear up this mess.”
“A mess not of my making!”
“Get some rest and sober up. This shit is far from over. I may have need of you in the future,” Montana hastily said, before leaving me alone with Maxim.
Glaring at the man, I asked, “How could you go along with that motherfucker? Remi is your goddaughter. Part of your fucking family!”
“I didn’t know until after. Believe me when I say Montana will answer for his actions. I give you my word.”
“Your word means shit to me, Fedorov,” I muttered, then asked, “Is she safe?”
Maxim nodded. “Yes, and Massacre checked in earlier today. Everything is going according to plan.”
“Is it?” I growled. “Because from where I’m sitting, it looks like everything has gone to shit. I should have never made that fucking blood pact with you two.”
“You need to rest and heal. The doctor said the bullet skimmed your head. You are going to have a nasty headache for a while.”
Turning away from him, I muttered, “I don’t care. I don’t care about anything anymore.”
“Reaper,” Maxim said, unlocking the cuffs holding me to the bed. “I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, but we are doing what we think is best. Once everything is done, we will work towards making this right between you two. I give you my word.”
I sighed and rolled over onto my side.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. Thanks to you two sick fucks, she saw me for who I really am. The monster I always claimed to be.”
Walking around to the nightstand next to the bed, Maxim placed a picture on the table before leaving.
Picking it up, I ran my thumb over her face.
God, she was so beautiful, and thanks to me, I’d ruined everything.
She was never going to forgive me.
April 31, 2023
A week had passed since I left New York, and in that time, they whisked me away and delivered me into the hands of a man I’d never met before.
I later learned that Dakota Stone was the brother of Montana Stone, the President of the Soulless Sinners. I didn’t know what to make of the closed-off military man. He showed no emotions. He only barked orders. The only time I saw him relax was when Emma or Jesse were around. I quickly realized he didn’t want to be here anymore than I did.
While I was happy to be back in California, the memories of the area bombarded me relentlessly. I had a life here once. A good life. I found everything I wanted here, but now it was all gone. It seemed everywhere I looked, he was there. In the waters, the salty sea air, the wind blowing in the trees, the sand beneath my feet.