Page 33 of Golden Atonement
Standing there, I stared at the lifeless body while blood dripped down my blades. I wanted this moment seared into my brain so when I went to Remi, I could tell her everything, that her nightmare was over.
My woman could now live her life in peace.
Turning, I watched as Maxim cautiously approached.
“Where is my wife?”
Maxim looked at Montana, who sighed. “Dakota moved her to Lawton, Oklahoma, along with the kids. They are with the Diamondbacks.”
I shook my head, lifting my blade as I ran my hand down the hilt, wiping blood off the blade, before flicking it away with my hand.
“You still haven’t learned anything.”
“Learned what?” Montana snipped as his VP, Mercy, stood beside him.
“That you can’t keep her from me.”
“I wasn’t trying to,” Montana growled. “I got word that the therapist I hired for her worked for Petrovitch. He knew where she was. I had no choice but to move her.”
“She wouldn’t have needed a therapist if you two fuckers had just left me alone and kept your fucking word.”
“That’s in the past now, Reaper.” Maxim sighed, trying to ease the fury burning inside me that refused to be contained. Neither fucker understood. The only person who could make me see reason was the very person they turned against me. “We know we messed up and we’ve tried to fix it. She knows everything now. What happens next is up to you.”
Turning to the Bloodletter, I sneered, “Is that what you think? Because of you two fucknuts, my woman fucking hates me. She doesn’t trust me. She thinks I’m the vilest son of a bitch on the planet. You did that. Not me!”
“Reaper, come on, man,” Bullseye said, walking over. “They aren’t worth it.”
“Yeah, brother.” Massacre hobbled over on crutches. “These fucks don’t get it. They never will. Let’s go home, brother.”
“Get what, Massacre?” Montana challenged. “We kept our oath. We kept you and Remi alive.”
“You didn’t do shit, Montana,” Massacre growled. “Because of you, I now have a fucking bullseye on my back. I’m a hunted man, but you knew that before you sent me into the lion’s den, didn’t you? You hoped I wouldn’t survive it. Just like you hoped Reaper wouldn’t, either. Well, take a good fucking look, motherfucker. Your day of reckoning is coming.”
Montana growled, taking a step forward, when he swiftly found my blade at his neck. Sneering, I whispered, “I’d be very fucking careful of what you say next.”
“Boss,” Mercy muttered, placing his hand on Montana’s shoulder. “Don’t say a fucking word.”
Shrugging him off, Montana sneered, “Don’t threaten me, Reaper. I still have your wife in my custody.”
Mercy groaned, and Maxim and Vladmir closed their eyes when several of my brothers whistled, and Phantom shook her head. “Wrong thing to say, dumbass.”
Glaring at the fucker, I vowed, “I’m going to make you a Golden Promise, Montana.”
“Yeah, and what’s that?”
“That someday soon, you will be on your knees begging me for help, and when that day comes, you better pray to fucking God that my wife is standing beside me, because if she isn’t, I will kill you and take everything you own.”
August 31, 2023
Disclaimer & Trigger Warning:
This entry deals with thoughts of suicide.
Whether you’re facing mental health struggles, emotional distress, alcohol or drug concerns, or just need someone to talk to, the caring counselors at the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline are there to help you.