Page 36 of Golden Atonement
I caused this.
I shouldn’t have come.
Time moved on and now everything had changed. My sister was now married to the love of her life, and I prayed that all her dreams come true. She was innocent of this life. She never saw the darkness of this world, and I knew Solomon would make damn sure she never did. With him by her side, she would live a free and beautiful life.
I wanted that for her.
I really did.
Jess sighed. She looked so tired.
She needed to sleep herself. This life would chew her up and spit her out if she wasn’t careful.
“He won’t sleep, Bones. I had a bed brought in for him, but he refuses to use it.”
“Maybe we should sedate him,” Stitch muttered.
“You can’t do that.” I sniffed. “He’s afraid of needles.”
“How do you know that?” Jess asked curiously.
“Sunny told me. They had to get blood work done to get married. She had to hold his hand the whole time, and eventhen, the only way the nurse could get his blood was if Sunny sat in his lap.”
“What he needs is someone to sit with her while he sleeps. Someone he trusts,” Stitch advised.
“There isn’t anyone,” Savage stated. “Sandman doesn’t trust anyone where Sunny is concerned.”
“That’s not true. He trusts Jessica,” I whispered, looking at her, knowing Sunny didn’t need me anymore.
My sister belonged to Solomon now.
I guess deep down, I’d always known that.
“I saw the way he reached for you in there. He trusts you, Jess. If anyone can get him to sleep, it will be you.”
Standing there, Jessica nodded before she walked back into the room. The second she was gone, I turned to leave, pressing the down button on the elevator when I heard Savage.
Shaking my head, I muttered, “I don’t belong here anymore, Savage. Take care of them for me.”
“Where will you go?”
“I don’t know.”
“Remi,” Savage said, taking my hand. “Your home is here with us. It always has been. Please come home.”
Hugging him once more, I looked up at him as tears rolled down my face. “I don’t have a home anymore.”
With that, I stepped into the elevator and watched the doors close, knowing this part of my life was finally over.
There would be no more clubhouses, no more brothers, no sisters, no more family. My life was now my own. What I did next was anyone’s guess. All I knew was that the world was a big place to get lost in and that’s exactly what I planned on doing.
As soon as I figured out what it was I wanted.
The car met me at the entrance of the hospital, and the second I slipped into the back, I said nothing while we headed for the airport.
When the car eventually stopped, I got out and walked over to the private plane waiting for me on the tarmac that belonged to Montana Stone.