Page 82 of Golden Atonement
“Call the sheriff and set up a meeting. Today. I want to know what he’s doing about this. Massacre, set up two-man teams. I want our presence to be known in that town at all times. Eight-hour rotations, starting today. Fat fucker thinks he can sell that shit in my fucking town, then he’s got another think coming.”
“What else?”
“Stitch arrived early this morning. He’s in the infirmary making sure he has everything he needs. Aunt Maria is almost done with the packing. As soon as the movers show, she and Axel will be on their way.”
“Still nothing from my cousin or Bayou?” Smoke asked.
Player shook his head. “No. Juju sent out the word, but so far nothing.”
“What about the fucking Soulless Sinners?” I asked. Matrix flinched; Player stiffened, while Massacre happily grinned.
“You will be happy to know that those pussies are none the wiser.”
I smirked. “My secret is still safe?”
Massacre nodded. “Yep. In fact, I’ve been told they didn’t even investigate. Just wiped Shame’s death under the rug and moved on.”
“That’s gonna cost them,” Matrix snarked, shaking his head. “Wait till they learn the truth about the guy. Montana’s gonna blow a fucking fuse.”
“And Sypher?”
Matrix smirked. “He said he needs a few more weeks to get everything set up. He’s close, but not there yet.”
“Tell him to take all the time he needs,” I said, sitting up. “Anything else?”
When no one spoke up, I banged the gavel on the table and ended church.
Walking out of church, I went in search of my wife and eventually found her upstairs in the clubhouse, in what was supposed to be our room.
Standing there in the bare room, she looked around saying nothing.
“What are you doing up here, baby?”
“Why is there no furniture in here?”
“Because I don’t live here. I live with you,” I said, leaning against the doorjamb. “I promised myself when I returned and saw the kids, that I would never live under another roof again. I belong with them. With you.”
“Wish you’d realized that sooner.”
“Never said I was smart, baby.”
Remi slowly turned and smirked. “You are too fucking smart for your own good. So, what are you planning to do with this room?”
I shrugged, stepping into the large room. “Don’t know. What did you have in mind?”
She looked around, saying nothing before she tentatively asked, “How was church?”
“Same old shit.”
“Anything I need to know about?”
“Got a drug problem in town that will need my attention sooner rather than later.”
She nodded. “I know. Daphne told me. She’s worried.”
“You can tell her I’ll personally take care of it.”
“Anything about the other thing?”