Page 10 of Beau
“You make it sound like a walk in the park.” The deep voice was scathing. Beau had finally broken his silence as if he could not keep quiet any longer. “Why don’t we explore the risks? Why not talk about the heartache that will accompany this procedure?
Why not tell my wife that there is no guarantee that this will happen right now? That we are in for a possible trying time.” His green eyes blazed as he stared at the man seated behind the desk.
“We have already gone over–”
“Go over it again.”
“Dr. Jones, could you give us a minute?” Georgie’s sultry voice had him pushing back his chair.
“Take your time. Nurse Gallagher is setting up the room where the procedure will take place.” Glancing at Beau, he exited his office hastily, leaving behind a charged silence.
“I am not going to apologize.” He was the first to break the silence.
“I don’t expect you to.” Georgie felt her blood pressure rising and had to take several breaths to calm herself. “You are Beau Anderson, entitled and selfish. You are used to having things your way and damn anyone else.” Pushing from her chair, she faced him, hands on her hips, dark brown eyes blazing. “We spoke about this–”
“You talked, and I listened.” He was stung at her insults and found them unfair. Ever since he met her, he had been bending over backward to do things her way. She had worn him down with her arguments, pleas and the perpetual sadness on her face, until he had no choice but to agree. “But you are not being realistic. It might not happen.”
“I don’t need your negativity and if you are going to be like this, I would prefer that you leave.”
“You are my wife, and I am here to support you," he reminded her tightly.
“That’s just it! You are not being supportive.”
“I am expressing my concerns," he blazed. “Am I not entitled to speak out?”
“We already talked the subject to death and the process has started. Deal with it.”
“That’s it?” he asked bitterly. “You decide and I just fall in line?”
She stared at him. “I cannot believe this. We came to an agreement–”
“You gave me no choice!”
His explosive words echoed around the room as they stared at each other like two boxers in a ring.
“Go back to the office, Beau. I can do this on my own.”
“I am not leaving.”
“You are aggravating me and raising my blood pressure. I will call Ivan to take me home after I am through here. I really do not want to see you right now.”
“That’s too damn bad–”
“Go!” she screamed. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes briefly. “Please.”
Lunging to his feet, he stormed out, slamming the door shut behind him.
Collapsing on one of the comfortable chairs, she buried her face in her hands and refused to cry. She was not going to allow her husband or anyone else to divert her from her goal. Straightening her shoulders, she managed to compose herself just as the door was pushed open and the nurse came in with a beaming smile.
“We are ready for you.”
Blake stared at his son in anger. “You just left her there?”
“She said she didn’t want me there.” Beau had spent half an hour driving around, before coming back to the office. He had called the clinic and asked them to let him know when his wife was ready to leave so he could send a driver for her.
“Son, even so–”