Page 15 of Beau
Shrugging out of his outer coat, he went into the kitchen to see that the meal the housekeeper had prepared was still inside the warmer. Which meant his wife had not eaten. He knew she went out to lunch with Kelly and Leesa and went to her usual thing at the hospital.
He also knew that today had been the day when she would know if the embryo transfer was successful. She would have called if they had been, and he dreaded going upstairs to her misery.
Turning out of the room, he lingered inside the cozy living room a minute before making his way up the spiral staircase. Hesitating in front of the redwood doors, he took a breath before pushing them open.
Walking swiftly through the living room, he stepped into the bedroom, which was in shadows, the only lights were the flames flickering in the fireplace.
His wife was curled up on the bed, facing the door. Her hands were folded under her chin, and she was staring at the doorway as if waiting for him to make an appearance.
Things were not very good between them for the past three weeks and they were both suffering as a result.
His heart contracted as he walked toward her slowly.
He sat on the edge of the bed; green eyes searched her face intently. “How are you?”
“I don’t know.”
His hand lifted to move the strands of hairs that had fallen over her forehead.
“It didn’t work?”
She shook her head and for the first time, he saw the tears shimmering in her dark brown eyes.
“Darling, I am so sorry–”
“No.” Grabbing his hand, she rained kisses on the back of it. “We are pregnant.”
He went still as he stared at her. “You did not call and when I came home and realize you did not eat, I assumed–”
“I was wallowing in misery.” Her smile was brilliant. “I came home straight from the clinic and dismissed Mrs. Greene. I was so full of the news that I did not feel hungry.” She pulled herself up against the pillows.
She was still holding his hand, between hers. “I wanted to wait until you get home to share the news.” Her expression was anxious. “I know we haven’t been on the same page, but I would love it if you were happy with the news.”
He wanted to be. It was indeed good news, but he knew this was just the beginning. They were going to be going through months of anxiously waiting to see what would happen.
“I want to be.”
Her smile collapsed and he cursed himself silently.
“I am scared.”
“So am I, but I am willing to regard this as a blessing.” Her eyes glittered. “For God’s sake, Beau, this is indeed wonderful news. Can’t you put aside your own misgivings and hang up and be happy? We have a long road ahead of us–”
“That’s what I am afraid of," he said solemnly. Taking her hands, he clasped them between his palms and stared at her beseechingly.
“Be happy for us. Let’s take one day at a time.” Her fingers curled into his palm. “I am going to need the support now more than ever. It’s going to be rough, but I am prepared for it. We are pregnant, Beau. Please, can’t we just call a truce and celebrate?”
Closing his eyes briefly, he hung his head for a minute before coming to a decision. She was right. He might not be completely on board, but she was his wife, the love of his life and now she was carrying his seed. She was going to need his complete support.
“What if I am cautiously optimistic?” he asked quietly
“That’s fine. I think I am fully, deliriously happy for both of us.”
“How do you feel?” He belatedly asked.